Chapter 9

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Kylie's POV
On my way to Khloe's I realised that I forgot my phone and car keys, so I reluctantly went back.

When I entered the house I heard a something crash coming from upstairs, I raced to the second floor and entered Tyga's room.

He was on the floor and looked dead. I checked for a pulse and to my relief there was one, but it was weak.

I flustered around the room and picked up the house phone. I quickly dialled 911.

Kylie:"I need an ambulance my boyfriends is unconscious and his pulse is dropping!"

I then told them the address and they came in 5 minutes.
Passionaye:" Oh god! My poor baby! What's even happened?"

That was Tyga's mom but she told me to call her Mama P.

A Doctor walked out of Tyga's room.

Doctor:"Family of Micheal Stevenson?"

"Yes" answered me and Mama P.

Doctor:" It appears that Tyga attempted suicide. He took an excessive amount of sleeping pills. We pumped his stomach and it looks as if he will make a full recovery."

Kylie:"So when will he wake up? A couple of hours?"

Doctor:"More like a couple of days. Those pills were strong enough to kill him, so it will take time to wear off"

King:"What's suicide Kylie?"

I didn't know how to answer so I just looked at Mama P.

Mama P:"Don't you worry yourself about that baby! When we get home Mama P will cook you some fried chicken"

King smiled, opening his mouth to say something, but was rudely interrupted by the devil.

Chyna:"If you guys ever see King bring that bitch around King again, I will cut her throat. Bitch ass hoe."

When did she even get here?!

King started to cry.

Tyrone roughly grabbed King and told King:
"Shut up lil boy! Do you want me beat yo ass infront of everyone! You fool."

His voice was laced in venom and hate.

Security overhead Tyrone and walked over.

Security:"That's no way to talk to a child"

Tyrone:"Who the fuck asked you?"

Security:"Can I please take your name? I am going to report this to child services and hopefully we can give this boy some loving"

King:"I want Kylie to be my mom police man! I wanna live with papa! Momma and Tyrone beat me!"

Security:"I'm going to put you two under questioning, please follow me to my office"

They went with no hesitation.

Mama P:"I really hope they charge them. Lil Cairo doesn't deserve this. He is the perfect child. Just look at him! He is soooo cute!"
4 days later
I've been staying at the hospital so I can be with Tyga. He needs me right now, and I wanna be there when he wakes up. The first face he sees.

I was in a restless sleep. It was so horrible to know the person you love is right next to you but can't even respond to you when you speak.

"Bamboo Sticks" A raspy voice said. I looked around the room and the only people were me and Ty.

"Bamboo Sticks! It's me" Tyga squawked. He could barely speak. My poor baby.

Kylie:"Tyga why did you do this?"

Tyga:"You didn't believe me, and you didn't want me anymore. King is better off without me and without you two I have no meaning"

I started to cry. He done this because of me!

Kylie"I'm a monster this is all my fault!"

Tyga:"No baby it was me being stupid."

I started to hyperventilate. I couldn't breathe. I saw Tyga press the assistant button and a nursed rushed in. My breathing halted, and I couldn't calm down.

She saw me and picked up this needle. She walked towards me and I became so scared.


And with that she sedated me in the arm and I blacked out.
Well that's the chapter folks.

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