Chapter 34

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Tyga's POV

Today is the day. The day I give my life away to someone else. Is it a shame that I don't want her, though?

I just want to do the right thing, but I don't know if the right thing is to follow my heart or my brain.

I tied my bow tie, and looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked at myself.

I'm twenty-five years old. I don't have a father, but I have the greatest mother of all time. I have two kids, and two on the way with Kylie. I am getting married today. Just to the wrong woman.

Laelya is amazing. She can cook, clean, make money, hustle, dress well, and care for others. She is the perfect woman. But she isn't perfect for me.

She isn't Kylie. Don't get me wrong, I have developed some extent of feelings for Laelya, but she gives me what I want, not what I need.

Kylie can make my worst days into my best. She can make me smile when I want to cry. She can be there for me when I don't have anyone. She can still love me when I push her away. She still wants me after all the bullshit I put her through.

I needed to stop with all these thoughts. I'm marrying Laelya. End of discussion.

I was in the back of the Cathedral, adding final touches to my tux. I then strolled into the church, standing in the aisle.

I was so surprised at the outcome of people that came. Almost everyone who we invited came. I scanner my eyes through the alter, to find her.

She was wearing a white linen dress that flared out at her stomach. She wore low white heels, with a matching clutch and hat. Her long black locks cascaded down her back in loose ringlets. And she was wearing minimal make up too.

I haven't even seen the bride yet, but I know she out-shined her.

She was standing next to Trey, but they both looked agitated to be here with one another. I approached them, just to check if all was good.

"What up with you guys? Oh, and how is Reece and Samiyah?" I said, trying to sound concerned.

"Oh, well Kylie here decided to dump me this morning- during sex" Trey sharply whispered with aggression and sadness.

I screwed up my face. I don't need to here about him sleeping with Kylie. I hit it first, and In fact I'm still hitting it.

"Negro please. That is too much information, for my pretty little ears to hear. Kylie dumped you, get over it. And did you want four step kids anyway?" I reasoned with him. These kids are bad as hell, I don't even know if I want four kids.

Before he could reply Chris came in, dragging me to the end of the alter.

"She's here man. You ready?" He told me.

Chris is my best man, and thank god for it.

We all got in our positions and waited for the woman of the hour.

All of the bridesmaids entered with the groomsmen. King then come down, with Oceania in one hand- with her throwing flowers- and the other one holding the rings.

Then she came.

She looked good, but I've seen better. It was nothing like the movies.

It then all went blurry. My palms started to sweat and my head spun. Then, boom, she was here.

The priest started reciting all that boring shit, so I spaced out.

"Are there any objections to the Union of Michael Stevenston and Laelya Springs?" The judge questioned.

Kylie then stood up, and everyone gasped. Today really isn't going good.

"What? The pregnant lady needs to pee. Where is the toilet.I don't object, by the way." Kylie states.

Every erupted in laughter, and Trell led her to the toilet.

"Michael, do you, take Laelya, to be your lawfully wedded wife.
To have and to hold
from this day forward;
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death us you part,
according to God's holy law.
In the presence of God I make this vow.'

This is it. Crunch time.

Do I, or do I not?

"I d-"

But before I could answer I heard a scream.

Then Kylie came into the Cathedral, crying with blood all over her hands, and over her dress.

"Help me! My babies..." But before we could answer, she fell to the ground.

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