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Chapter 50

‘wow, uhmm, that was… she’s strong’ I said ‘she’s proven that’ I said to my dad. ‘

uhu’ was his answer and he nodded

‘Marcus, are you alright?’ I asked him and I knelt next to him. His response was groaning.

‘well, it’s your own fault, you were drunk and I warned you’

‘but I didn’t know she would so this’ he said with a high pitched voice and Samuel had to laugh at that.

‘you deserved it guy, you were drunk and you were challenging a girl. Girls are complicated, one moment they are super afraid and the next moment they’ll do… that’ he said and he held the back of his hand to his mouth and he laughed.

It was actually pretty funny and not long later we were all laughing. *snap* I heard and I looked up but I couldn’t see anything because my eyes were still closed from the laughing. I opened them and I saw Evangeline standing there smiling at her camera.

‘why are you guys laughing?’ she asked us.

‘the way you kicked... him and... then how you walked away, it was just so ...funny and your mood, it ...changed immediately.... when you saw that little.... girl it ....was.... a little weird, but also really ...funny... to.... see....’

Adam said and he stopped a few times while saying that to laugh and breathe.

‘yeah, but you would have that too with Irina’ she said

‘no I don’t’

‘why wouldn’t you?’

‘I don’t know, that’s just something you have, but that’s probably because you have some kind of bond together’ he said.

We all had stopped laughing to watch the scene in front of us unfold.

He is going to say something stupid just like last time, I just know it so I intervened when Evangeline was going to say something.

‘okay’ I said and everyone looked at me ‘Marcus are you feeling better?’ I asked him and he nodded

‘I’m a bit better no thanks to Evangeline’ he said and he looked at her.

‘don’t look at me’

‘why shouldn’t I look at you?’

‘because…’ she begun but she didn’t finish that

‘that’s what I thought’ Marcus said and he stood up

‘why are your wounds or pains healed so fast?’ she asked him and my eyes went wide

“please don’t tell her” I pleaded him in my head. He was really angry at her right now and he wouldn’t think twice about what he was going to do.

‘because I am a vampire’ he said and the guys gasped

‘that explains it’ Evangeline said and I looked at her confused as did the rest of the guys, Marcus his smug face changed into one of confusion

‘what do you mean?’

‘well, that would explain why you are always overreacting, it would also explain that you heal quick and that you can read minds’ she said and he looked at her dumbfounded.

‘what? It’s true’ she exclaimed

‘but, but, you now know that I’m a vampire, why aren’t you running away?’ he asked her and we all wanted to hear that answer

Finding Out: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now