Just Like Old Times

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"Meghan!" I called out stepping into our dorm. She didn't reply right away. "Meghan! I know you're home so don't you dare try to.." Meghan jumped out of the kitchen and screamed. "MEGHAN SHUT UP!" I shouted pushing her as she startled me. Meghan walked backward, laughing her ass off. "It's not funny Meghan." I grumbled. "Why do you keep doing this?" I complained.

"Because it's hilarious!"

"Well I don't think it's very funny." Meghan, still laughing, walked up to me and staring hugging me aggressively, wrapping her arms around my middle and hanging on for dear life. "Let go of me!" I groaned as she started rocking us back and forth.

"Admit it! You love it! You love me!" Meghan shouts before laughing again. There's laughter behind us as my boyfriend steps into our dorm.

"She scare you again?" He asks, setting down our cups of coffee. I had been worried she'd try to do this so I gave him the hot liquid that I would potentially spill all over myself. He closes the door as Meghan let go of me, discarding her sense of security and putting up her guard. For some reason, she wasn't fully comfortable around Hunter. I couldn't understand why. He was a great guy and they seemed to get on pretty well but she just didn't seem to like him as much as she liked Harry. A lump formed in my throat.

"When aren't I trying to scare her is a better question." Meghan brushed off, walking past him and into the kitchen. Hunter laughed and I forced myself to smile with him as he picked my cup of coffee back up and handed it to me. I kissed his cheek as I said,

"Yeah, she's a pain in the ass." Meghan scoffed.

"Please! If I was, you wouldn't be my roommate. You would have gotten rid of me a long ass time ago." I laughed because it was true. I didn't have to request Meghan as my roommate sophomore year of college, yet here we were. I still couldn't believe it was almost two years since we had first met. For our junior year, were even planning to rent an apartment out together with maybe one other friend. Meghan has a car now and although were trying to look for places to rent out near our school, Meghan is almost convinced my parents are getting me a car for my nineteenth birthday.

"Come on! You said you guys went to a dealership." She began arguing with me a few days back when I got home from spending the weekend with my parents.

"Yeah because one of their cars is giving them trouble." Meghan shook her head at me.

"That's what they want you to think. They're really just buying you a car for your birthday." I rolled my eyes at her. A car? For my birthday? I couldn't afford the gas for my car, let alone any other expenses that went along with it. My job at the bookstore didn't pay that much.

"Maybe I just won't move in with you then." I said, bringing myself back to the present. Meghan fake gasped and clutched her heart like I had hurt her.

"You don't mean that do you?" Meghan whispered, pretending to be on the verge of tears.

"I might." I said with a wide smile.

"I thought we were friends!" Meghan shouted. I started laughing. "This is no laughing matter! You were my friend!" I continued to laugh, shaking my head at her.

"Alright you two, come on." Hunter said putting his arm around me.

"She's supposed to love me, we're supposed to move in together." Meghan continued, fake crying and walking back into our shared bedroom. Hunter and I laughed as my phone rang. I smiled up at Hunter.

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