Does He Know?

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Meghan's jaw was slack and I was fidgeting nervously on my bed, twisting my sheets around and around in my hands. "Don't look at me like that." I said shying away from her shocked expression.

"I'll look at you however I want!" She shouted before jumping off the bed and rushing toward me. "Terra look at me." Swallowing hard, I looked up at her. "You have to break up with Hunter."

"I can't." I said earnestly.

"To hell you can't. You don't owe Hunter anything."

"But I.."

"Feel guilty? You shouldn't. You love Harry. That's not your fault. I know you wanted to get over him. Show him and prove to yourself that you could live without him, even for a little bit but that's bullshit Theresa. If you love someone, you shouldn't be pushing them away."

"I know but..."

"How many times have you told me that you know. You know you're going to marry Harry?" I figured it was a rhetorical question so I kept my mouth shut. "Too many is the answer. Please stop playing yourself and Hunter. I'm not saying your boyfriend is stupid but.. God damnit he let you go out with Harry alone, to dinner."

"Hunter is a nice guy."

"I don't care what he is. He knows what Harry means to you, he knows what you mean to Harry.. He's got to be some kind of stupid to think that letting the two of you be alone together for any amount of time was a good idea." She's right. I was honestly so surprised when he said yes to me having dinner with Harry.

"It doesn't..."

"Matter? Theresa listen to me." Meghan said dropping down in front of me and taking my hands. "You thought he had gotten you an engagement ring. Even if it was only for a split second, you thought it was him and your next thought was yes. Yes you want to marry him. Yes you want to be with him. Yes."

"What have I done." I whispered, not even realizing I was beginning to cry before the tears fell from my eyes. "Everything's so wrong! I've screwed with an incredibly nice guy. I shouldn't have done that!" I wailed, crying harder.

"Nothing is wrong. You didn't do anything wrong Terra okay?" Meghan said soothingly, sitting on the bed next to me. "You like Hunter you just don't love him. I knew Harry coming back was going to make old memories and feelings resurface. I knew your relationship with Hunter wouldn't last despite how hard you tried to make it and none of that is your fault okay? It's circumstance."

"I'm stupid. So stupid." I whispered, continuing to cry. Meghan rubbed my back lightly and said nothing else for a long while. When I finally stopped crying, I noticed how late it was. "Oh no. No. Meghan." I said looking up at her with red eyes. "We have class in the morning."

"Don't go. Your stressed out enough as it is, you've never skipped before. You'll be fine okay? Besides, the concert is tonight anyways." That's right. The concert. The first one for the Where We Are Tour. I sniffled and rubbed at my eyes. "Come on, stand up. We need to get that makeup off and get you in the shower okay? Then straight to bed."

"You don't have to mother me." I said softly.

"I want to. Don't worry. Now come on." She said, standing us up and ushering me towards my drawers as she grabbed my pajamas behind my pillow.

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