Little Black Dress

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I sighed as I looked over at Hunter from the small kitchen in my dorm room. He was rifling through some DVD's trying to pick a movie for us to watch and I was making the popcorn. I had been anxiously waiting for him while Meghan finished up some homework in our room. She eventually got tired of me pacing and told me to go to the kitchen which I did. I washed dishes as I waited for Hunter to come by. I had meant to ask him outright about having dinner with Harry but I couldn't  bring myself to do it.

I sighed as the microwave dinged, signaling that the popcorn was done. Grabbing a large bowl, I dumped the bag of buttery goodness into it and walked back into the living room trying to smile. "So something romantic? A comedy? You told me to pick but.. I'm indecisive." Hunter said as he held up a couple different movies. I smiled and sat down on the couch. He had already put the movies he didn't want to watch in a separate pile. Looking over what he had left, I selected Finding Nemo with a grin.

"How about this one?"

"Disney is always a good choice, let's put it in." He said standing up and taking the DVD case from my hand. I sat back, eating a few pieces of pocket as he put the DVD into the slot. "Now, what do you want to tell me?" He asked as he sat next to me, the opening trailers playing softly.

"Huh?" I questioned, confused.

"You've been sighing up a storm Terra. Now either something is wrong or you want to ask me something. I'm assuming it has something to do with Harry?" How could he tell that I was off? He must really love me... Only Harry has been really able to see through me.

"I.. Yes.. I just.. I don't know how to put it. It will sound bad either way."

"Just tell me." I sighed.

"Harry asked me if I could go to dinner with him. Of course I said no at first because.. Well, what would that look like to you? But he started talking about tradition. Whenever he was out here, we would go to this restaurant called Platters and he said we would be going as friends but.. That's two of us alone in a restaurant. Well, we wouldn't be alone there would be other people in the restaurant of course but the two of us together, without anyone else and.." Hunter as smiling. "Am I missing something here?"

"You're cute when you panic. You talk all fast and trip over your sentences." He landed in and kissed me. I kissed him back confused.

"Okay, wait.. What?" Hunter laughed as he leaned back in his seat.

"You can go eat dinner with Harry Terra. It's just dinner and you two are friends. You didn't have to ask me if you could go with him."

"Bu-but I..."

"It's like I said before, you're best friends. I can't get in the way of that Terra." He stroked my hair lightly. "I'm glad you told me." He kissed my cheek and I blushed red. He said it was just dinner.. But I had a feeling that for Harry and I .. It would mean something else. I just wish it wouldn't.


"Hey, hope I didn't wake you or anything." I said softly.

"No, I was already awake. Zayn wasn't and now he's a bit grumpy." Harry whispered back. I laughed a little, hearing muffled groans from his end of the phone.

"Tell him I'm sorry."

"Theresa says she's sorry." Harry repeated to Zayn a bit louder.

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