Chapter 39

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Dean picked Jenna up and carried her to the Impala. She rested her head on his chest and gripped his jacket with her good hand. She was pretty sure the other wrist was sprained.

"Hey, where are you staying? We'll get your stuff," Dean asked, leaning his head down.
"That motel down the street."

He set her down next to the car and opened the door for her. He got in the other side and turned the key in the ignition.
"How did you find me?" Jenna asked, leaning against him.
"Your jacket. Sam put little tracking devices on the inside of yours and Tori's jackets in case anything ever happened to you. I wanted to come get you right away, but Sam said to leave you alone for a bit," Dean replied while driving.

"And is it true? You killed Abaddon and got rid of the mark?"
Dean stopped at a red light and pulled up his sleeve showing that the mark was gone.
"Yup," he smiled.


"Sam I need to get rid of this thing! We have to find Abaddon now!" Dean yelled.
"I'm doing my best. It's not that easy to find someone that doesn't want to be found," Sam said, typing on his lap top.

"We need to hurry, I can't let anything...anything else happen to Jenna," Dean put his head in his hands. His phone rang an hour later.

"Hello?" He answered it.
"Squirrel, how are you? Actually I don't care, but you'll care that I found Abaddon," Crowley said on the other end.
"What?! Where the hell is she?!" Dean asked louder, slamming his fist on the table. Sam jumped a little and gave him a questioning look.

"Okay. I'll meet you there," Dean hung up.
"What was that about?" Sam asked.
"I have to go," Dean got up to get his jacket and shoes.
"Go? Where?" Sam asked, standing up.

"Don't worry Sammy, I'll be back in a little bit," Dean said, walking out the door. Sam just sighed and sat back down. Tori walked into the library a few minutes later.
"Hey, where'd Dean go?" She asked.
"Honestly, I have no idea. He just said he had to go," Sam explained.

Tori and Sam sat in the library and two hours later, a bloody looking Dean walked through the door.
"Dean what the hell happened?!" Sam yelled, getting up from the table and running over to him. Dean leaned against the wall and pulled up his sleeve.

"I killed Abaddon...and in killing her, the mark disappeared," he explained.
"What do you mean you killed Abaddon?! By yourself?! Dean, why didn't you let me go with you?" Sam nearly yelled.

"It's over. Done. Doesn't matter anymore, now if you excuse me, I'd like to wash all this blood off," Dean said, walking to his room. Sam just sighed and sat back down. Tori shrugged and went to make something to eat.

The next day, Tori went to Sam and Dean with her phone in her hand.
"Hey guys? Jenna's not answering her phone and my texts aren't sending through to her. I think something happened," she said.
Dean stood up from the table, "Sam turn on the tracking device NOW," he practically yelled.

Sam went on his computer and found Jenna's location.
"It looks like she's at a bar?" He said a little curious.
"What the hell is she doing at a bar?! She doesn't even drink! That's it, I'm going to get her and bring her home!" Dean yelled running out the door.

He tightly gripped the steering wheel as he drove as fast as the speed limit allowed. He pulled up outside the bar next to an old Camaro and heard yelling in the back. He jumped out of the the car and ran towards the noise.

"Sorry it had to be like this," a demon said, standing over Jenna.
"Get away from her you son of a bitch!" Dean yelled stabbing him in the back.


"Once we couldn't get a hold of your phone anymore, I had Sam locate you and I came to get you. I'm glad I got there when I did," Dean explained everything.
"Thank you Dean," Jenna cried into his shoulder, "I missed you so much."

Dean continued to drive as he wrapped one arm around her, "I'm sorry for how I've treated you these past few days and I swear I'll make it up to you. I love you so much and I'm never letting you go again. You mean everything to me," he kissed her forehead and pulled up outside of the motel.

Jenna pulled the key out of her pocket and opened the door to the mess she left inside. Dean looked around at the broken lamp, shattered phone, and everything else. He turned and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Baby I'm so sorry I did this to you. You don't deserve this. I'll get you a new phone and anything else you want," Dean mumbled into her hair, eyes watering.

"It's okay Dean," Jenna looked up at him. He looked down at her and kissed her. After they pulled away, he insisted that she wait in the car and he'd take care of everything. She finally agreed and walked back outside to the Impala.

She turned in the key and played music as she waited for Dean.
"Hello Jenna," Cas appeared in the backseat.
"Cas! Oh my god don't do that again!" Jenna jumped and turned around.

"I apologize. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You haven't been answering your phone," he explained.
"I'm okay, Dean found me. I kinda broke my phone yesterday," She told him.

"Oh, well I'm glad you're okay. Your wrist. Let me heal it," Cas said, using his angel senses to know that her wrist was sprained. She held her arm out and Cas gently took her wrist in his hands. It instantly felt better as she took her arm back and turned her wrist.

"That's amazing, thank you so much!" Jenna said.
"You're welcome. I'm going back to the bunker now that I know you're okay. I'll see you soon," he disappeared. Jenna turned back around and played Fall Out Boy on the radio. After a few minutes, she leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes.

She hadn't been able to get a peaceful night of sleep, being so used to Dean next to her. He came out of the room five minutes later. He put her bag in the backseat and pulled her away from the window so she wouldn't hit her head on the way back.

She mumbled something in her sleep as he laid her head on his lap and threw his jacket over her like a blanket. He drove back to the bunker at a slow pace so he wouldn't disturb her. Jenna curled up into him as his leg slightly shifted to press the gas and break.

A half hour later, he pulled up to the bunker and lightly shook her shoulder. She sleepily got up as Dean grabbed her bag from the back. She pulled his jacket closer around her as they walked to the door.

"Hey guys, look who I brought back!" Dean shouted. Sam and Tori got up from the table and both hugged Jenna. After their little reunion, Dean picked her up and carried her to his room. She changed into one of his oversized shirts and fell asleep in his arms.

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