Chapter 21

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Dean pulled up to the bunker a few minutes later. It was almost five in the morning now, so everyone thought it would be pointless to go back to sleep. Sam went into the library to make sure no new cases had come up and Tori went to her room to get a quick shower.

Jenna and Dean decided to make breakfast for everyone and Castiel had wanted to help. Jenna was going to make eggs and Dean was going to make mini sausages and toast. Jenna was in the process of showing Cas how to cook, while Dean laughed at her attempt.

"Okay, so you take the egg, crack it like this, and dump it into the pan," she explained as she showed him an example. Cas came a little closer to the pan, inspecting the liquid.
"What happened to the baby chick? It turned to liquid?"

Jenna burst out laughing, "Nooo, they make these a little different, don't worry no animals were harmed in the making of this food," She patted his shoulder, "Here, you try," she handed him one of the eggs.

He looked a little skeptical at first, but had done what he saw Jenna do and cracked the egg into the pan.
"Great that was perfect! We got a lot more to go, but it won't take long," Jenna explained.

"I am a chef now!" Castiel looked proud of himself.
"Here master chef, this is a spatula," she handed him one and took one for herself. She showed him how to move the eggs every few seconds, and to flip them when they were ready. He finished his first pan of eggs and was excited to make more. Jenna let him make the rest and walked over to Dean, while glancing at Cas every few seconds to make sure he wouldn't start a fire.

She hugged Dean around his waist as he put more bread into the toaster.
"Maybe we can get him to make our food now," Dean said, hugging her back.
"You'd have to watch him all the time!" Jenna laughed, "he could burn the place down!"

"Yeah there's that I guess," Dean smiled, "I think after this whole Lucifer thing is over, I'm going to take you on a real date."
"Really!?" Jenna looked up at him, excited.
"Really. I'm going to treat my girlfriend the way she deserves to be treated," he replied.
"Ooo thank you!" She leaned up to give him a quick kiss.

"Hey, uh guys?"
Jenna and Dean turned to see that Cas had somehow managed to get egg all over his hair.
"Cas, how the hell did you manage to do that?" Dean asked while Jenna started laughing.
"I um...I tried to flip the eggs, but I don't think I did it right," he explained.

Jenna helped Cas get the egg out of his hair and took a wet towel, rubbing it over his hair. When she removed the towel, his hair was all ruffled and looked kinda adorable actually.
"There, perfect," Jenna laughed.

A very long twenty minutes later, the three had finally managed to make breakfast. They took the plates out to the library and placed them on the table. Sam looked up from his lap top, taking his plate and thanking them.

Tori still had not come out so Jenna walked to her room and knocked on the door.
"Toriiiiiii, food's done! Better hurry up before I get more hungry!" Jenna yelled.
"Alright, I'm almost done. Stay away from my food!" Tori called back.

Jenna walked back to everyone else, sitting next to Dean, and eating her food.
"These are actually pretty good guys!" Sam said, taking a few bites of the eggs.

"Oh, I made those," Cas spoke up, looking proud, "Jenna taught me how to be a chef."

Everyone laughed, taking in the moment of being normal and not having to kill anything. Tori walked into the room a few minutes later and took her seat.
"I made those," Cas pointed to the eggs on her plate, making sure everyone knew.

Tori cautiously took a bite of the eggs before smiling, "Wow, great job!" She said.

"Looks like we have no new cases to take care of surprisingly," Sam spoke up.
"Nice to finally have a vacation," Dean said, finishing his plate.
"Well, after Lucifer is taken care of then we can take a vacation," Sam said.

"Right, and you really think it'll be over today?" Jenna asked.
"Crowley made it clear that he wants Lucifer gone, I think we can trust him on this. Don't worry, everything will be fine," Sam smiled.

Everyone finished eating and Tori and Jenna decided that they wanted to play video games to pass the time. Dean suggested that they set up their Playstation in the living room so that they could all have fun. Tori went to her room and came back with the Playstation and a few games in hand. Sam helped her connect all the wires behind the tv and Dean set it to the right channel.

They sat on the floor to be closer to the tv, Jenna sitting on Dean's lap. Castiel had obviously never played video games, but joined them anyway.

"Ooo I'm joining!" Gabriel appeared in the room next to Tori.
"Of course you can!" She gave him a hug and Gabriel leaned in to kiss her.

"Toriel!" Jenna shouted.
"What?" Tori laughed, pulling away.
"Toriel," Jenna smiled, "It's your ship name!"
"That doesn't sound bad, I'll take it," Tori smiled, "So what game do-"

"Mortal Kombat!" Jenna yelled before Tori could finish the question. Everyone agreed and Tori started up the game. They decided since they only had 4 controllers, to play two on two and the winner could keep playing. Then they could play tag team if they wanted.

They decided to play Jenna against Dean, Tori against Gabriel, and Sam against Cas. Then the winners of those would play against eachother. Tori handed Jean the controllers and they picked their characters. Dean knew how to play this game and was actually pretty good at it, but Jenna killed him with an upper cut with little life to spare.
"Damn I didn't know my girlfriend was such a badass at video games!" Dean said, shocked.

Jenna laughed and handed the controllers to Tori and Gabriel. Dean pulled Jenna back against his chest as Toriel picked their characters. Gabriel had never played before, which made it easy for Tori to win. He wasn't bad though and won the second round.

"Won't these people get hurt? I really don't think that person could survive a spear being jabbed through his throat," Cas squinted at the tv.
"Oh my gosh Cas! It's a video game, it doesn't have to make sense, it's just fun," Tori laughed.

Next was Sam and Cas. Jenna showed Cas, quickly, what to do and some of the easy moves. He seemed to understand and let Jenna pick him a good character. Sam knew how to play, but had spent most of his time reading books than playing games.

No one expected it, but Cas had won by rapid button pressing.
"I'm sorry that I had to kill you, Sam," he said. Tori and Jenna played the next round which was very close, but Jenna won. Dean cheered her on and Cas got Tori's controller.

This was the last round and Jenna was sure she could win against the clueless, innocent angel. But she was dead wrong when Castiel started figuring out how to use different moves and ended the fight with a fatality. Jenna sat there shocked as Castiel grew a big smile on his face.

"I like this game," he said, while Dean tried to calm Jenna down from her mini rage fit.

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