Chapter 9

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Dean and Jenna walked back to their table trying to make it look like nothing had happened. "Hey Jean," Tori smirked as they sat down. Jenna's eyes got wide as she gave Tori the look to shut up.

"What?" Dean asked, looking confused.
"Nothing nothing, oh hey look at this!" Jenna quickly said, pointing at some pie on the menu.
Dean looked to where she was pointing, "Oh, we are definitely getting some of that," he said, while Tori laughed at Jenna's cover up.

A different waitress came by a few minutes later to give the group their food. Halfway through eating, Sam spoke up, "So I think I found a case for us last night. It's in the next town over, shouldn't be that long of drive. From the reports, I'd say werewolf. The police are trying to say it's a bear, but there's no way it could be. The last body was found outside of a bar, all torn up."

Dean finished chewing his food, "Sounds good. I say we drive over after we stop by a tattoo shop."

"What? Why do we have to go there?" Sam questioned.
"Well if the girls are gonna be hunting with us, I think it'd be a good idea for them to get the anti-possession star. Ya know, just to be safe," Dean explained.

"Wait? Is that the symbol you showed me in the book last night, Sam?" Tori asked.
"Yup, you would be okay with getting one, right?" Sam wanted to make sure.
"Definitely!" She agreed.

The group finished up eating, when Sam was about to leave a tip on the table. "Oh no, I don't think so Sammy," Dean said, taking the money off the table. Jenna smiled as they stood up to pay for their meal.

"Wait my pie!" Jenna spoke up before they left.
"Oh yeah," Dean smiled as they ordered some pie to go, before getting back into the car.

"So, anyone know where the nearest tattoo shop is?" Dean asked, waiting for directions.
"Yeah, there's one about 10 minutes away," Tori spoke up, telling him where to go.

A few minutes later they arrived at the shop and got out of the car. Luckily, no one else was there, so they'd be able to get the tattoos right away. Sam showed the worker a picture of the star and they were led to the back.

Tori was the first to get her tattoo. "So, where would you like it?" The guy asked as he got everything ready.

"Well, I'd like to get it right here," she pointed to her thigh.
"No problem," he smiled as he began to make the star. Tori had another tattoo, so she knew about how much they hurt and sat still the whole time.
"There ya go ma'am," the worker said when he was finished.

Tori looked down at the finished tattoo and thanked him.
"Okay next," he said getting ready for the next tattoo. Jenna sat down on the chair excited, but also a little nervous. "Can I get it on my right shoulder blade?" She asked.

"Of course," he smiled as he started the outline. Jenna flinched at first, but got used to the little pain as he continued, Dean giving her hand a squeeze now and then.

"Okay, you're all set," the guy finished her tattoo. He gave her a mirror and had her stand in front of a big set of mirrors so she'd be able to see it.
"Wow, I love it! Thank you," she told him.

Sam gave the worker one of their credit cards to pay for the girl's tattoos. "Thank you Sam! Thank you Dean!" Jenna and Tori both hugged them.

"Hey, you guys wanna go grab some bags of stuff from your apartment before we go?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, we're gonna need to get a few things," Jenna spoke up.

Dean drived back over to the girl's apartment as they ran up to get some bags. "Hey, you sure this is a good idea?" Sam asked, "them coming with us."

"Yeah, I don't see the problem. We already said they could and we can protect them and teach them everything they need to know," Dean said looking back at Sam.

"I know...but this isn't an easy life," Sam said.
"Sam, it's fine! They know what they're getting into," Dean told him. He turned up the radio, signifying that he was done talking about the subject.

A few minutes later, Tori and Jenna walked back out to car with 2 bags each. Sam got out to help them put their stuff in the trunk.

They got back into the car as Dean looked over at Jenna and smiled. They drove off towards the new town, the girls leaving everything behind them to become hunters.

The ride was filled with talking, laughter, and good music. About 20 minutes later, they arrived at a motel to get a room and drop off their stuff.

Sam and Dean helped get the girl's stuff out of the trunk and Sam went to get a key. He came back a few minutes later and they found their room.

They put their stuff on the beds as Tori opened her bag to get one of her jackets. When she pulled back the zipper, she saw 2 candy bars sitting at the very top of the bag.

"I didn't bring these..." Tori thought to herself as she eyed the candy suspiciously. "Hey Jenna?" Tori asked.

"Yeah?" Jenna walked over to stand next to Tori.
"You didn't put candy in my bag by mistake did you?" She asked.
"Candy? Nope...but I'll certainly try one of those out for you. Ya know...make sure it's not poison or something," Jenna winked as she took one of candy bars and started to eat it.

Tori looked over at Jenna and saw that nothing bad was happening, so she shrugged and ate the other one.

The guys were laying out some of their weapons on the table when suddenly Castiel was standing in the room. "Oooo hi Cas!" Jenna said, excited to see the angel again.

Dean looked up from the table to see Cas standing in front of them. "Hello Jenna," Cas smiled.
"Dammit Cas, what is it now?" Dean asked walking over to him.

"Dean, something isn't right. Heaven is all out of order and there are disasters happening everywhere."

"Well what is it?!" Dean asked loosing his patience.
"Well, I'm not sure how it's possible...but it's Lucifer. He's back."

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