Chapter 38

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Castiel stayed with Jenna all through the night and the shouting had eventually stopped. She woke up with red eyes and was playing with the necklace that Dean had given her. The picture that they had taken at the movies was on the table bedside her.

Her eyes watered a little, thinking about all the memories they'd shared together. Their first kiss, their date at the amusement park, him constantly reminding her she was beautiful, everything. That's when she realized she needed to leave for a little. She couldn't stand the thought of Dean being in the other room, so close to her and not caring.

Jenna sat up from the bed and Cas sat up with her.
"I have to go," She mumbled.
"Go? Where?"
"I don't know, just away from here for a little," she stood up and went to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror.
"Jenna you don't have anywhere to go. We're gonna help Dean, please just stay," Cas said, standing next to her.

"I'll stay at a motel or something. I'll come back, don't worry."
"Are you going to tell Sam and the others?" He asked.
"If they ask where I went, just tell them I needed to get out for a little," She said.

Castiel didn't think this was a good idea, but knew there was no changing her mind. She washed her face to get rid of the tear stains, but there was still a red mark on her cheek. She filled a duffle bag with clothes and anything else she'd need.

"Jenna, are you sure?" Cas lightly grabbed her arm.
"Yes," she mumbled and walked out of her room. It was pretty early, so she figured everyone else would be sleeping.

She passed by Dean's room and the door opened, revealing a very tired looking Dean. Jenna flinched but stopped in front of him and dropped her necklace into his hand.
"Bye Dean," She whispered and continued walking.

Dean looked down at necklace, seeing that it was the one he gave her.
"Jenna-" he started, slowly following her. She ignored him and kept walking to the door.

She turned around and stared up at him. He noticed there were tear stains still visible and the red mark that he made.
"Oh my god, baby I-" he began.
"No Dean! Okay? You broke my heart last night and everyone else noticed BUT you! I don't know if that was the mark or the alcohol, but I'm not gonna stay here and be treated like that! I thought you were different Dean. I thought you actually cared...But I guess I was wrong!" Jenna yelled.

Dean stared at her with sadness in his eyes, knowing that everything she said was true. She turned back around and slammed the door on the way out. As soon as she left, Dean's eyes began to tear and he punched the wall.
"What the hell is wrong with me?!" He rubbed his hands over his face.

Sam heard the yelling and ran out of his room," Dean? What happened?" He asked.
"Jenna...she's gone," Dean said.
"What? Where'd she go?"
"I don't know," He choked out, "Sammy...I have to get rid of this thing," he looked at his arm


Jenna didn't have a car, but she knew there was a junkyard of old cars down the road. When Sam had taught the girls how to set up the fake credit cards, Dean had taught them things like how to make a car start without a key.

She remembered how to do it and found an old beat up Camaro, probably from the 1990s. The door was unlocked and she used what Dean had taught her to make it start. She grinned once the engine started, but felt a pang of sadness that this was something Dean showed her.

She threw her bag in the back seat and drove out of the lot to a motel about twenty minutes away. She got a room and set her stuff down, noticing her phone lit up with notifications.

They were all from Sam and Tori asking if she was okay, to come back, that they'd come pick her up, etc. She simply replied to both of them that she was okay and would come back soon. After that, she didn't text them anymore.

She stayed at the motel for three days now. On the second day, she looked at her phone seeing the wallpaper of her and Dean. She threw the phone across the room and sunk down the wall crying. The room was eventually a mess of clothes, a broken lamp, and a pile of tissues.

She decided to do something to get her mind off of Dean and went out to the bar for a drink. She didn't wanna get drunk, just wanted one drink. It was hard to get her mind off of Dean, however, when the bartender had the same green apple eyes as him. Of course Dean's were brighter, but the slightest things made her think of him.

A few minutes later, a man walked over to the seat next to her, "Now what's a pretty lady like yourself doing at bar alone?" He asked.

"Leave me alone, I'm not in the mood," Jenna mumbled.
"Ooo feisty," he said and touched her shoulder.
"Back the hell off man!" She said a little louder and shook his arm off.

She got up to leave and pulled her jacket closer to her as she left the bar. She was pushed against the wall outside by the same guy a few seconds later.
"I said, back the hell off!" Jenna yelled, reaching for a knife in her pocket.

"You're that Winchester girl. Tell me, why'd he leave his girl alone at a bar?" The man asked as his eyes flashed black. Jenna gasped and pulled out her knife. The demon saw and tightened his grip on her wrist.

"Ya know, now that your boy killed my master, I've been looking for someone of his to kill...I think you'd do just fine," he said.
"What? Who the hell's your master?" Jenna shouted.

"Abaddon of course...oh you didn't know did you? You're not together anymore? Well your Winchester boy came in guns blazing yesterday and killed my queen. Also got that little mark off his arm in the process."

Jenna just stared at the demon, not believing what she'd heard. Dean killed Abaddon. He got rid of the mark. He could be back to normal. She was busy thinking about all these things as the demon gripped her wrist hard enough that she dropped the knife. She screamed at the pain and probably had a fractured or broken wrist now.

"What a shame dear, you won't even see him now that his little rage fit is over," he said, pulling out a knife of his own. Jenna tried to push away from him, but he cut her arm and threw her to the ground.

"Sorry it had to be like this," he stood over her with the knife.
"Get away from her you son of a bitch!" Someone shouted. But Jenna knew who it was. The demon was stabbed from behind, light shining from his eyes faintly, as he was pushed to the ground.

Behind him was Dean, holding the knife in his hand. He dropped it at the sight of Jenna and fell to ground, cradling her in his arms.
"Jenna, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I didn't mean anything I said to you. I do want you and I do love you. I love you so much. I don't want anyone else but you. Baby please come home...please," Dean cried into her shoulder.

Dean had never cried, only when something really hurt him. Jenna wrapped her arms around him and tightly hugged him.
"Okay," she whispered.

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