Chapter 48

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Jenna and Castiel drove for about twenty minutes before they found the address of an old, abandoned building. She saw the Impala parked on the other side of the street and pulled up behind it.

"Okay, so they're definitely here. We're gonna go through the back door," She said as she got out of the car and opened the trunk. She grabbed a shotgun with salt rounds and a small bag and silently walked with Cas around the building.

The building had two floors so Jenna took the top and Cas took the first. She ran up the steps and walked close to the walls, listening for any voices. She came upon a corner and heard someone that sounded like Dean. She looked around, into the room, and saw Sam and Dean tied up sitting back to back.

No one else was the room so she cautiously walked in, gripping the gun.
"Jenna?! What the hell are you doing here?" Dean yelled and Sam turned his head as she approached them.
"Saving your ass," She smirked as she pulled her bag off her shoulder to get a knife.

"No no no, you can't be here! It's not a spirit, they're daevas!" Dean said.
"Daeva? What the hell is that?" Jenna asked.
"Shadow creatures. Someone summoned them, set a trap for us, tied us up, knowing someone would come for us," Sam explained.

"Well what-" Jenna started, but was suddenly clawed across the back by a large shadow.
"Jenna!" Dean shouted, struggling against the ropes.
She yelled in pain and fell to the floor in front of Dean.
"How do I kill it?" She groaned as she got back up.

"Bright light weakens it, but you have to find the black alter it was summoned with and destroy it! It's somewhere in here!" Sam quickly said. Jenna quickly dug a flash light out of the her bag before she was thrown across the floor into a stack of boxes. Dean continued to try and break free of the rope as he sat there helplessly.

She shoved the boxes off of her as Cas ran in a few seconds later and pulled her off the ground.
"Black alter...gotta find it and destroy it," Jenna huffed out, regaining her balance. She turned the flash light at full brightness and shined it at a shadow that was approaching them.
"Are you okay? What are they?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, they're daevas. Untie them while I find the alter," Jenna yelled to Cas as she ran off.

The daevas only seemed to be after her as she searched through every room until she found the alter in a small back room. She quickly ran over to it, but was pulled to ground and fell just in front of it. The flashlight flew out of her grasp as the shadows started to claw at her.

She screamed but slowly crawled towards the table. She finally got close enough and used her remaining strength to pull the leg of the table. Everything on top of it came crashing down to the floor and broke into tiny pieces. The shadows stopped clawing at her and quickly disappeared somwhere else in the building.

She gasped and winced at the pain all over her body. She turned over and stared at the ceiling as her vision slightly blurred.
"Jenna! Oh my god," Dean ran into the room and saw her by the broken alter.
"I did it," She choked out and smiled.

Dean quickly came over and gently picked her up off the glass covered ground.
"Yes you did, I'm proud of you," He half smiled, looking at all the blood on her body. She winced as he started to walk and gripped his shirt.
"Dean, it hurts," She whispered.
"Shh, baby don't talk. Cas is gonna help you," He reassured.

He walked as gently as he could and eventually found Sam and Cas who were looking for them. Sam gasped at how deep the cuts were as Cas looked at her with sadness in his eyes. He quickly rushed forward and touched his hand to side of her head as the cuts started to close.
"Thank you," She mumbled to him and buried her face into Dean's shirt.

"I'm gonna find this son of a bitch and slaughter his ass," Dean said as he gritted his teeth.
"The daevas beat you to it. Once Jenna destroyed the alter, they turned on the person that summoned them. We found his body outside of the window," Sam explained.
"Let's go," Dean mumbled and started walking down the stairs.

Sam carried Jenna's bag and gun as they made it outside and over to the cars.
"You guys take my car, I'll drive back in hers," Dean told Sam and Cas and threw the keys to Sam. Jenna slowly pulled her keys out of her pocket and held them out to Dean. He kissed her forehead as he opened her door and helped her inside.

Dean drove behind the Impala all the way back to the bunker while Jenna leaned her head against the window.
"You shouldn't have come for us," Dean said.
"What? You guys were gone for almost seven hours. I knew you wouldn't be that long and that you were in trouble," She turned to look at him.

"But that's exactly what those things wanted! They wanted you to find us so they could kill you and they nearly did!" He gripped the steering wheel tighter.
"I wasn't going to just leave you there...I'm sorry," She mumbled.
Dean sighed, "I'm sorry too, I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"Who summoned them anyway? How do they know you?" She asked.
"Probably someone we pissed off before that wants us dead, I don't really know. We got knocked out before we could see them," Dean explained. They continued to drive until they got to the bunker. He helped her inside, following Cas and Sam.

"What happened?! Where were you guys!?" Tori stood up from the table that her and Gabriel were sitting at.
"Turns out it really wasn't a salt and burn case...they were daevas, shadow creatures. We were tied up the whole time," Sam explained.
"And what about you? Where'd you and Cas go?" Tori turned to Jenna.
"We went to save them and I didn't wanna bother you two since you just got back."

"I would've still gone with you! It could've been dangerous! Even Sam and Dean couldn't fully handle it," Tori said.
"Well I did and it's done and over with. I had Cas with me. I need to go find some food now," Jenna walked off towards the kitchen.
"Ugh she can be so stubborn sometimes," Tori groaned.

"She was able to save us though...but I really wish she wouldn't have come. They almost killed her," Dean sighed. Jenna came out a few minutes later holding a bag of popcorn and stuffing her mouth. Everyone stayed up a little longer, watching tv before falling asleep.

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