Chapter 5

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"Jenna," she answered Dean's question. She was confused about what had just happened and who Sam and Dean were. She remembered Tori passed out in the one room and started walking towards it, worried about her friend.

The impact of her fall from when the girl hit her however had hurt her leg and she started to stumble.
"Woah woah, take it easy there," Dean said as he reached out for her arm to steady her.

"My friend, Tori, she passed out in that room," Jenna pointed. Just then, Sam came back up the stairs.
"Hey, you guys okay?" Sam asked.

"Little faster next time Sammy," Dean joked, "We're fine, but her friend's knocked out in that room," he nudged his head.


Tori lay on the floor as two fingers touched her forehead. She opened her eyes and felt instantly better, but still weak and shocked. She gasped for air as she looked at the man kneeling in front of her. Wow was he attractive.

He had brown hair and slightly golden eyes. Tori could've swore she saw wings behind the man for a second, but she figured it was from the shock.

"W-who are you?" Tori said in a raspy voice.
"Name's Gabriel, sugar," he smiled, "I have to go now, but whenever you need me I'll be here for you," he said as he stood up and suddenly vanished in front of her eyes.

A few seconds later the man she saw earlier, Sam, walked into the room. "Hey my name's Sam, what's yours?" He asked as he crouched down to her level.
"Tori," she answered as she tried to sit up better.

"Hey, I got you," Sam said as he wrapped his arms under her legs and around her back as he picked her up. "Thank you," she mumbled as she laid her head on his chest.

Dean and Jenna were still in the hallway as Sam came out of the room with Tori. "Hey are you okay?" Jenna asked her friend with concern.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Tori answered.

"Well let's get out of this dump," Dean said as Sam started walking down the stairs. Dean picked up Jenna like Sam had with Tori.

"Woah what're you doing?" Jenna asked Dean as she blushed. Dean looked down at her, "You're certainly in no condition to it looks like you're enjoying it," Dean smirked as he saw the color come to her face.

"Fine whatever," Jenna mumbled.

As the boys walked through the forest with the girls in their arms, Jenna spoke up. "So um..thank you guys. What exactly happened back there? And who are you guys?" She asked.

Dean looked at her with those unbelievably green eyes as he answered, "Well that girl was an angry spirit that needed to be put to rest. To answer your other question, me and my brother here are hunters."

"You mean like shoot animals kinda hunters?" Jenna asked confused.

"No no, hunters like we hunt ghosts, vampires, werewolves, anything else in that category," Dean laughed.

"Wait, so like monsters and stuff...they're real?" Jenna asked slightly amazed.
"Yes, and we'll explain more once we get back to our motel room," Dean said.

"Hold up, who said anything about going back with you?" Jenna asked. She liked these guys, but she really didn't know anything about them.

"Well your friend over there certainly looks like she could use some help and we might be able to fix your leg problem. Don't worry, we won't hurt you or anything. Especially that pretty little face," Dean flirted.

"Okay fine," Jenna mumbled, blushing again as the four reached the Impala. "Nice car by the way," Jenna said with a glimmer in her eye as she saw the beautiful car.

"Thanks," Dean smiled as he set Jenna down by the passenger door.
"I'll sit in the back with Tori," Sam said as he opened the back door and helped Tori in.

Dean opened the front passenger door and motioned for Jenna to go in. "Such a gentleman," she joked.
"Hey, I try," Dean smirked.

He got in the driver's side and turned the key to start the car. Dean turned up the music a little as he put the car in drive and stepped on the gas.

Jenna looked in the rear view mirror to see her friend fast asleep against Sam's shoulder. Jenna thought the men could be trusted, but still didn't want to let her guard down. She especially wanted to get to know this Dean guy a little better.

"So what were you guys doing out there anyway," Dean asked curious.
"Haunted house and such," Jenna laughed causing Dean to smile.

During the ride back, Jenna started to get tired and laid her head against the window, falling asleep to the music. Dean kept stealing quick glances at her and smiled.


About 15 minutes later, the car came to a stop in front of a motel. Dean lightly shook Jenna's shoulder to wake her up, "Hey, we're here."

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