7:Whats Going On?

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{the next day, at school, No POV}

Riley and Cindy walked in school hand and hand while everyone stared at them. When they got to Cindy's locker Riley turned her around to face him and pinned her to the lockers.

Cindy: so you're Mr. Tough Guy huh? (Smirks)

Riley: I'm whatever you want me to be C- Murph ( kisses her and she kisses back)

( Jasmine, Huey, Caesar, Leslie, Hiro, bad Ming walk approach Riley and Cindy)

Jasmine: ( gasps and points her finger at Riley and Cindy) ha! I knew you guys were gonna get together! ( turns to Huey) give me my 5 bucks ( laughs)

Huey: ( rolls his eyes and give Jasmine a 5 dollar bill)

Caesar: ( to Riley) so u and Cindy huh?

Riley: yeah nigga. C-Murph's the one( wraps his arm around Cindy's shoulder)

Leslie: so now all that's left is Huey and Jasmine.( smirks)

Jasmine: Ming you didn't tell Leslie?

Ming: (almost choked on her water) tell her what?

Jasmine: that me and Huey are dating, smartass.

Ming: damn, my bad.( holds up hands in defense)

Leslie: when did this happen!?( yells at them)

Huey: like two weeks ago ( shrugs shoulders and hold Jasmines hand)

Riley: aye nigga?( to Huey) why u ain't tell me you and Mariah was fucking with each other?

Jasmine: ( swallows hard and squeezes Huey's hand. She looks at him with a knowing look. And he returns the same look back)

Huey: ( to Riley) Because we were trying to enjoy our relationship in peace,( mumbles) dumbass.

Cindy: yeah Jasmine! Why u ain't tell me we supposed to be girls!

Jasmine: because I knew everyone was going to make a big deal about it, and blow things out of proportion. (Hugs Huey from the side) but yeah he's mine( stands on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek)

Group/ Huey and Jasmine: awwwwww!( Ming gets out her camera)

Ming: picture time! ( snaps the picture of Huey and Jasmine) that is so adorable.

Leslie: well now that we know who's dating who, we should go on a quadruple date!( smiles)

Caesar: babe, isn't that just like hanging out? I mean we've all been out as a group before, what makes things so different now?

Ming: because we're all dating! ( claps hands)

Hiro: well if my baby wants to do it, I'm down for it. ( kisses Ming's cheek)

Leslie: ( to Caesar) please baby? ( puppy dog face)

Caesar: you know I can't say no to you ( smiles and kisses her)

Cindy: whatchu say Reezy? Let's go have some fun! ( smiles)

Riley: I'm down. As long as we not doing no gay ass shit. ( smiles at Cindy and she laughs)

Jasmine: how about you. ( nudges Huey) u wanna go? ( smiles)

Huey: I don't care. ( whispers to her) but we still haven't made time for round 4. ( smirks)

Jasmine: ( blushes) baaabe, not in public( giggles)

Hiro: well now that that shit is settled, it's time to get to class. Let's go babe ( hold Ming's hand)

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