19: Loud Whispers

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{Hueys POV}

Jasmine has been dancing for like the past 30 minutes. You would probably think I'm bored but not really. I think it's really interesting how the human body can move..... Especially Jasmine's. I had no idea she was so talented. After she was done dancing we just sat and talked while she cooled off . We stopped at the library and then headed home.

Once we got home Jasmine had to breast feed Cal and Cam. I don't know why but it's really funny to me because she always complains about how they bite her and stuff.

Jasmine: how the hell do babies eat so much?

Huey: ( shrugs shoulders)

Jasmine: I'm tired, my boobs hurt and I just wanna go to sleep( whines)

Huey: we'll go to sleep after your done feeding them.

Jasmine: yeah. Hey you know what we've never done?

Huey: what?

Jasmine: taken a shower together( smirks)

Huey: I'm game if you are( smirks)

Jasmine: can you wash my hair?

Huey: I didn't say all that now.

Jasmine: please?! It's really gross and I really don't feel like it( makes a puppy face)

Huey: I'll see how I feel.

When Jasmine finished feeding the twins she put them to sleep we took a shower. Yes I did wash her hair. After that we both K.O.ed.

{Caesars POV}

Yeah I found out that I got HIV from Cleo and I broke up with her. I heard Leslie is dating that Dylan guy. And all my friends kind of just stopped talking to me. Right now I'm helping Devin with his plan to get Cindy back..... Well more like force her back to him but whatever.

Caesar: so what exactly is your plan?

Devin: I'm going after the most vulnerable and innocent of them all.

Caesar: umm, Ming?

Devin: nope. Those precious little twins. What are their names? Calvin and Cameron? They're the ones I want.

Caesar: them why you hesitating bro lets go. ( they both leave Devins house )

{Leslies POV}

So I woke up in my bed and someone arms wrapped around me. I turned over to a sleeping Dylan. Aww he's so cute when he's asleep! I cuddled closer to him with my head on his chest. Right when I was about to dose off again I got a call from Jasmine. Why would she call me at 6 in the morning on a Sunday? I hurriedly picked up the phone.

[phone convo]

Leslie: hello?

Jasmine: LESLIE OMG THEY'RE GONE!!!! I looked everywhere for them and I can't find them!!!!! I'm a horrible mother!!( crying)

Leslie: Jasmine! Calm down who's gone?!?

Jasmine: the twins someone took the twins!!!


Uh oh!!! The twins are gone!!!

Will they get them back?

I know this was really short but bare with me 😭

Thank u all again for the support it really means a lot to me!!😘😘💖💖💖💖

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