Chapter 6

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** I Added Kiss me by Ed sheeran cause I think it fits this part perfectly ;) espescially the end ajdhsjkhdsldha **


''Okay for the first time I'm not happy with pizza'' He said grinning to me.

I tried to make myself look decent again even though that wasn't possible at the moment. And I got some money and walked to the front door. 

I opened the door and the guy in front of me handed me the boxes with pizza and I handed him the money. I waved him goodbye and walked back to the living room.

I looked up smiling at Ethan thinking of what just almost happened and I thought maybe tonight is the night for it to happen. We have the house all for ourselfs and got nohting to stop us. 

And I think it's no problem for it to happend for almost two years dating. And I loved him with all of my heart and since everything has changed and I won't be seeing him very often.

After an hour or so my head was lying on his shoulder and two empty boxes of pizza were in front of us, and we watched a random movie that was on tv.

I sighed '' You know what I would like to do right now on this friday night?''

''Hmm let me guess, you'd like to go out and go to a party like we used to do.''

I laughed ''Yes and just forget about everything and dance and you'll be playing music my boyfriend the hottest guy of the party. Even though I don't like all this girls hanging around you,are George's parties still crazy as they were?''

''Yea but it's nothing without you... I just want you to come back and everything to be normal and you to be around me.'' He looked a little sad at me and kissed me on my forehead.

''I want the exact same'' I sighed. People at school used to admire our realationship, we barely did fight and or love was just so real not like alot of fake couples at school. And like every relationship we had our ups and downs, but that just made it perfect.

''I just miss everything and the worse thing I don't even know what happend or what is actually happening.'' I felt my eyes being filled with tears again.

He put his arm around me shoulder. ''Eventually everything will be okay again trust me.'' 

I know he was just saying something, how could he know if it will be okay again?

'' But... my m-mom...''and that was when I couldn't hold it anymore and tears started flowing down my cheeks.

He turned around and cupped my face in his hands and started wiping away my tears. '' It will be okay just trust me.''

'' N-no it won't what the hell happend!'' and I got suddenly angry no furious I was furious. Why the hell did she just leave us and did she do all these things to us.

I pushed myself away from Ethan but he pulled me back again. And now in a very very big hug. His body warmth made me a little calmer, but it didn't make me cry less.

For a while I kept punching his chest and letting all my tears out.

''Just let everything out that's also good for once'' he said while rubbing my back and stroking his hands trough my hair.

And so I kept crying with my face pressed into his muscular chest and with my hands I squeezed his shirt. The pain that was crept inside me was just so much.

It felt like hours, but it felt good, just so good.

After I spoiled al my tears I felt how tired I was and I felt so sleepy. Without realising it I fell asleep lying against Ethan's chest and his arms around me.

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