Chapter 11: Trying to be Normal

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Eva's P.O.V.

I groaned as Axel placed kisses on my shoulder. "I don't wanna get up." I whined and he chuckled.

"You have to, angel." He whispered as I twisted to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Can't I just lay here all day?" I smiled and he shook his head with a smile.

"I wish," he brushed a strand of hair off my face. "But we have to keep acting like you aren't carrying my child, which means you have to go jogging with my sister."

"Fine," I pouted and he kissed my cheek before pulling me up to stand. I changed into my black, Under Armour shorts and a teal tank top, slipping on my sneakers. "What are you doing today?"

"I have some business that I'm taking care of, nothing too major." He sighed as he slipped on a navy blue t-shirt. "Just stay safe." He kissed my cheek as I left, meeting Natalie outside.

"You sure your up for this?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I guess," I smiled as we jogged lightly through the woods. We had to stop a couple of times because I would get light headed or nauseas. We were walking back to the house when an uneasy feeling settled in my bones.

"Something's wrong," Natalie said stopping in her tracks. "Fuck," Nat growled as a rogue with black eyes pinned her to a tree.

"Hey!" He looked at me and I kicked him in the face. He spit out blood and growled, forcing one to come out of me and Nat.

"Grab the Luna, kill the doctor!" The wolf growled as two more wolves stepped out from the shadows.

"Shit, Paul..." Nat growled as the rogues charged at us. Nat jumped over one wolf's head then flipped him on his back. She slit his throat and growled at the other wolves. One charged at me, I swept his legs out from under him and broke the wolf's neck. The last one looked at Nat and I before bolting in the opposite direction.

"What the hell?" I stared at Nat who sighed. "How the fuck were they hybrids?"

"My uncle, he did the same thing when he tried killing my dad. He turned rogues to distract my dad so he could get my mom. Fuck, they tried grabbing you, this isn't going to end well."

"Come on, let's go." I said as we jogged back to the house. "You got rogue blood on your face." I chuckled while she wiped her chin.

"Ew, I'll have to bath for weeks to get this stuff off." She chuckled as we came into the clearing to the house.

"What the hell happened to you?" Logan said as he walked over to Natalie. "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine..." Logan obviously wasn't listening because he continues to look over her as Axel walked out of the house and over to me. "Logan, I swear if you don't stop I'll gut you."

"What happened?" Axel asked as he copied Logan's actions but with me.

"I'm fine, Axel." I sighed as Natalie swatted at Logan's hands.

"Rogues attacked, they were turned into hybrids, probably Paul." She glared at Logan who wasn't leaving her alone. "It's not mine!" She growled before giving up and shaking her head. "They wanted Eva, they probably were working with Girard. One got away but we handled ourselves." Axel stiffened beside me and he pulled me closer to him.

"We can't act like everything's normal, Axel. It's obviously not helping." I sighed rubbing my forehead.

"Aren't Grandma and Grandpa visiting Nana in Cali? I'll take her to their house," Nat offered and Axel nodded absently.

"Wait, no. It's almost Christmas, I'm not leaving. I'm not running again." I stated tried getting out of Axel's grasp but it wasn't working.

"You don't have a choice, Evangeline." Axel sighed as I stopped squirming. "You'll leave tomorrow, that's final."

Girard's P.O.V.

"Your wolves failed," I roared as Paul just leaned against the wall of the cabin.

"No shit, they're rogues." He shrugged, "they weren't supposed to succeed. They were to force them to move her out of Blood Moon Territory and my sources have informed me that my plan worked."

"You're a smug bastard," I growled and Paul didn't flinch. "I'll take her, then you can have your niece."

"Actually, I'll get her and you mutt will not go near the Steel family." Raphael said as he appeared in the room.

"This is bull shit, who the fuck are you?" Paul growled making Raphael chuckle. Raphael flung Paul to the wall, his feet dangling and an invisible hand a round the hybrid's throat.

"You will listen to me, hybrid, and I'll let you live." Raphael smiled as he looked at me. "You have failed, I saved you from death and you can't even get one girl!"

"She's better at running and hiding then my men are at seeking." I tried but he silenced me with a glare.

"Well, I'm here now," he released Paul who gasped for air. "And I'm in charge."

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