Chapter 4: Shopping Spree

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Eva's P.O.V.

I sat at the table and watched as the sun rose over the peaks of the trees. "Enjoying the sunrise?" I turned to see Cassie coming to sit next to me. I stared at her, I was nervous around her. I wanted Axel's mother to like me, desperately. "It was the one thing that reminded me of home. I used to run the trails, and I continued after I had the twins."

"I ran with our beta's son. He was the closest thing I had to a brother, since I never had siblings." I replied and she smiled at me.

"I have two sisters and Theo has... had a brother." Cassie cleared her throat. "Anyway, maybe you could join Natalie and I on our run next time."

"I wouldn't want to intrude." I protested and she shook her head.

"You're family, Eva, you wouldn't intrude." She smiled at me and I returned it, it felt good to have a family again. "I see Axel still has you borrowing his sister's clothes." She chuckled, it's been almost two weeks since I was brought here and I was grateful to Natalie but I think she wanted her clothes back.

"Yea, I think he just wants me to continue to wear his shirts to bed." I covered my mouth as she busted out into a hearty laugh. "That was a bit awkward."

"It's fine, Axel's a lot like his father, I would expect nothing less." She stood to her feet and brought me with her. "I'll go get Laura and Davina if you go get my daughter, we'll head into town for a good day of shopping."

"Alright," she left and I searched for Natalie who was standing next to Logan in the field where I attacked Axel. "Hey."

"Hey," she smiled back at me as I watched Axel teaching new wolves how to stand to fight. "What's up?"

"Your mom told me to come get you, apparently you, me, her, Laura, and some girl named Davina are going into town so I can get some new clothes." Natalie smiled and let out a chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan," she kissed Logan's cheek then looped arms with me as we walked towards Cassie's car. "By the way, Davina is my aunt."

"Thank you, I was beginning to think that she was just tagging along for the ride." I smiled and she shook her head.

"Yea, she's the youngest of the three girls. My Aunt Gwenn is the Luna of a pack in Australia, my mom was Luna for this pack, and my Aunt Davina is the Alpha of my mom's old pack while her mate is the beta." That amazed me, usually the oldest was the alpha.

"Wow, that's awesome. What is she doing here?" I asked and Natalie elbowed me slightly in the ribs.

"Because of you silly, all my family is coming to meet you." I felt a twinge of nerves eat at my insides. "The only people you need to meet is our Uncle Sam, our Aunt Gwenn, and Esther, our cousin. Don't worry, they'll love you."

"I hope so, your dad doesn't seem to like me." I remembers his cold, defensive stare.

"Nah, he likes you. He just... didn't understand you that's all." She reasoned as Laura, Cassie, and a woman who I guessed was Davina walked out of the house.

"Eva, right?" Davina smiled as she consumed me in a hug. "From what I've heard you've already given my nephew a taste of his own medicine." She released me as everyone chuckled.

"Yea, not my finest moments." I bit the inside of my cheek while they smiled at me.

"I think they were perfect." Laura chuckled, "That boy needs knocked around every once and a while."

"Where you headed off to?" I turned around to see Axel with his dad, Logan, and the man from earlier. Theo kissed his wife's cheek then wrapped his arms around her waist. Logan stood behind Natalie but didn't touch her, he seemed afraid of Theo. The man hugged Davina and smiled at me.

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