Epilogue: Happily Ever After

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Eva's P.O.V.

"Anthony Michael, get down from there!" I yelled as I stood on the porch watching my son climb higher up in the oak tree.

"But mommy... I want to see when daddy comes home." My six year old son complained as Natalie chuckled helping him down.

"I know dear, but I don't want you hurt. You're giving mommy a heart attack." I sighed resting my hands on my growing stomach. Anthony ran to the front lawn to sit and wait for Axel to show up. "How do you think Esther is?"

"She'll be fine, she's tuff." Natalie smiled even though she didn't seem convinced. "Although if Jace shows up I'm going to kick his angel ass."

"I'll help," I smiled as two SUVs pulled into the driveway. Cassie came out then, her granddaughter in her arms. Natalie had a five month old baby and I had one more month until I had a beautiful baby girl. Esther has been avoiding Jace, I keep telling her to go see him but she won't listen. Jace will show up here and there but to check up on me when Michael can't. They were being annoying and I wanted to kick both of them.

"Daddy!" The cars stopped and Anthony jumped into Axel's arms.

"There's my boy," he kissed his son's cheek the kissed me lightly on the lips making our son scrunch his nose in disgust. "And here are my girls." Axel whispered as Anthony squirmed out of his hold.

"Grandpa!" He jumped up at Theo who scooped him up, then placed a kiss on his other granddaughter's bald head and his wife's cheek. "Did you get me a present?"

"Anthony Michael," I scolded while Theo chuckled.

"Of course," he smiled and I shook my head.

"I missed you," Axel whispered kissing my neck.

"And I missed you," I chuckled as Esther gagged. "Oh and you Axel but mainly Esther." Esther smiled and hugged me before Axel pulled me towards him.

"Well, he's being very territorial." Esther chuckled as Nat hugged her before Logan wrapped her up in his arms.

"So, how's Grandma and Grandpa?" Natalie asked and Axel smiled.

"Better, they're gonna come up and meet Anthony, Daisy, and my little girl when she's born. Aunt Gwenn and Uncle Sam let us borrow Esther for a little while longer." He kissed my cheek with a smile. "And Aunt Davina and Uncle Fallon want to join our territories to have a larger area for our little ones to freely travel back and forth."

"That sounds perfect," Michael appeared with Jace behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Michael's smile turned to a slight frown.

"I need to speak to you and Axel." I nodded and we went into Axel's office. "I need to check to see if Anthony will have any angel abilities."

"What? He hasn't shown any signs." I said sitting down. "I was born with my tattooed wings and some abilities."

"I know, but he's not just half angel like you." Michael smiled, "I'm checking so nothing will happen. More than likely it won't, but I have Raphael's replacement breathing down my neck and He thinks it's funny, God does have a sense of humor."

"Why is this such a big deal?" Axel asked as I sighed.

"Because checking for abilities suck." I shook my head, "he is only six. When he's older we'll check or if he shows signs earlier. Let him enjoy being a kid, I missed my childhood and I won't let that happen to my children." Michael nodded agreeing with me.

"Another thing," Michael chuckled nervously. "He has made it clear that Jace is to stay very close to Esther. It's an order that Jace can't refuse."

"He'll stay here, if it's alright with you." I asked Axel who nodded.

"I'm just a tiny bit concerned." Axel chuckled, "Esther is trying her damnedest to stay very far away from Jace."

"Which is probably why He has ordered Jace to live here by her." Michael chuckled, "just watch out. We have made many enemies over the years, especially Jace."

"Yay, more danger." I rolled my eyes and both men chuckled at me.

"How are you feeling?" Michael asked as he smiled at my growing tummy.

"Like a blown up whale." I groaned, "I just want this little beauty to pop out. You wouldn't happen to know when I'm actually going to give birth, do you?"

"I do," he smiled and I groaned.

"Of course your not going to tell me."I shook my head as Michael kissed the top of my head.

"I'm very proud of you, sweetheart. And your momma would be too." He smiled then disappeared.

"You'd think I'd get used to that." Axel chuckled as he helped me stand. "Didn't Natalie put you on bed rest?"

"Oh, shut up and help me to the living room so I can hug my son." I said and he chuckled.

"Yes, alpha." He smiled at me.

"Hey, that's what I say." I pouted and he took my bottom lip in between his teeth then kissed me. "I've really missed you."

"I've missed you too, angel."

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