Personal Imagine for Briana

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It all started off with a joke... They always used to tell Briana she
should join X factor because her voice was so amazing.. Suddenly Niall
came into her life.. They were the same age and he also had a great
voice. They kept telling them they should enter as a duo, because then
they would definitely win.. The only problem was that Brianna was too
shy at that time.. Now? she wouldn't hesitate, but that might also be
because of the things that happened after Niall did join the
competition without a care in the world.

At first Brianna was very proud of her boyfriend. He made it through
the first round! But when him and 4 other lads were suddenly put in a
group, and had hundreds of screaming fans waiting for them outside, it
became less fun.. The worst time was when Niall suddenly had to go on
a tour. The perfect relationship they once had was slowly tearing
apart.. Everything that always seemed so normal suddenly became
uncommon and weird. The amount of fans grew every day, and the amount
of attention Niall and Brianna gave each other, decreased.

Brianna couldn't stand it anymore and texted Niall, telling him she
felt left alone and she missed him. She didn't want to continue a
relationship without seeing her boyfriend and not being able to
contact him because of the different timezones.. She couldn't skype at
night and couldn't go with him because she wanted to finish school
instead of just dropping out like Niall did..

That's how they broke up, and that's also the last time Brianna
contacted Niall... She sneakily tried to contact him after 2 month
though, but apparently he had changed his number, probably due to the
fans that somehow found out what it was.

But then, Brianna got a new boyfriend.. He was there for her, and he
couldn't sing so she didn't have to worry about getting left alone..
She was 21 now, and he was 25, sometimes she would still see Niall on
TV and couldn't help but feel the same feelings she did 5 years ago..

Today, it was again that kind of day. They peformed one of your
favourite songs and you couldn't help but notice how cute yet hot
Niall looked..

"Honey, he probably won't recognise you anymore.. Look at all those
screaming girls.. I know he's hotter, cuter and more talented then
i'll ever be, but remember that i didn't forget about you, and i won't
forget about you if i ever have to leave.."

You hugged him whilst once more glancing at the TV. Just when the
screen zoomed in on Niall he turned it off again, a smirk showing on
his face.....

Niall's P.O.V



"Niall, how's your girlfriend doing?"

"Where's your girlfriend Niall?"


Suddenly the same girl screamed: "How's Brianna actually doing?!"

Brianna? You wish you knew... You'd lost contact with her ages ago
after your phone fell down the stairs, causing you to lose all your
contacts.. At first you didn't care, it was an old one anyway, but
when you realised Brianna's number was on there, you felt worse than
ever.. You still hoped it would be all right in the end, but that
moment when her number was lost, you knew the chance of ever talking
to her again was lost too.. Sure you still knew where she lived (or
used to live), but wouldn't it be awkward to suddenly go to her house
because your relationship was 5 years ago? Maybe she already moved!
She'd probably found someone thatwouldn't become famous and was able
to stay with her.. Maybe it's better like this, Brianna didn't deserve
to be left alone all the time.. With that in mind you stepped into the
van and slowly saw all the screaming girls, including the one who
started shouting about Brianna -because you still hadn't told the fans
that you guys were no longer dating- fading away in the distance.

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