Personal imagine for Elin

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"One direction's new movie! Now...."

You turned the tv off as you smiled to yourself. You had seen the commercial thousands of times, but today was finally the day you were going to see it! You felt extremely excited as you grabbed your coat out of the hallway.

"Maybe the boys will be there" Your mum joked as she came into the hallway too.

"Yeah, sure" you laughed.

"Well, let's go!"

"Crazy, crazy, crazy 'till we see the sun" you answered.

Your mum laughed as she opened the door, causing the cold air to hit you in the face. "At least it will be nice and warm in the cinema" you thought as you entered the car.

When you ran into the theatre, where the movie was playing, you saw there was only one seat left. There were lots of traffic jams on the way to the cinema, causing you to be later than all the others. You felt pretty annoyed, but the fact you were going to see the boys on the big screen made you extremely happy. As you searched for your seat, you noticed it was next to a creepy looking guy. You sighed as you sat down next to him. Even though the guy didn't do anything, you felt slightly uncomfortable, but as soon as the movie started you forgot all about it and just enjoyed Niall's happy face which was 10 times bigger than it was on your computer screen.

Suddenly you heard Niall's laugh, but when you concentrated on the screen again you noticed it was about Zayn leaving the band, which wasn't funny. As you glanced next to you, you noticed the guy was laughing too. That's such a mean thing to do. He's fan of a band, at least that's what you supposed since he had paid for the tickets to watch this movie, yet he's laughing at the saddest moments! Niall probably laughed to cheer people up, or because a camera man had dropped something. You smiled. Even at the worst moments Niall was able to make you smile again.

The movie continued and you couldn't help but notice the guy next to you laughing at the same moments that Niall did. It surprised you, but you shrugged it off. Maybe he was a Niall boy, or whatever it's called.

When the movie ended you quickly wiped some of your tears away. You stood up, ready to leave as the guy grabbed your arm and pulled you down again.

" Leave me alone!" you directed at him whilst trying to pull your arm back and stand up. You noticed all the other girls and boys were slowly leaving the place.

"Wait, I wanna show you something!" he tried.

"if I just yell really loudly, he won't be able to do anything" you thought as you sat down again.

"What?" you tried to sound as confident as you could, whilst you actually felt scared.

"I know you know"

"What do I know?"

"My secret!" he nearly yelled

"What secret? I don't even know you?"

"I saw you looking at me the entire movie! I know you know that I'm Niall!"

"I don't even.... Wait what?"

He slowly started pulling off his skin, at least that's what it looked like. Slowly but surely the stuff came off his face, causing you to recognize his beautiful, blue eyes.


"You're beautiful"

You blushed and stuttered a thanks.

"Can I please kiss you?"

Before you could even answer, he had already pressed his lips against yours

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