Personal Imagine For Alani :)

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The boys and you were sitting in front of the TV, watching a boring movie, while Ashton and Michael commented about every bad bit in the film.

Some were funny, but most of them were just terrible.. You still laughed though, because you didn't want to make them feel bad.

"Ugh! Just turn the movie off already" Luke sighed

"But we don't have anything better to do!" Michael said

"We can play Football (soccer)!" Luke screamed happily before jumping up and going to the cupboard to grab a ball.

"I've never seen Luke so excited and carefree" you said confused

The other boys started to laugh

"Me neither" Ashton said with a small wink.

"Stop flirting with me!" You said whilst winking back at Ashton.

A loud annoyed sigh was heard before Calum jumped up and walked off, disappearing after Luke.

"CAKEE MOMENTS!" Michael screamed


You and Ashton burst out laughing.

Luke ran back into the room, his face was bright red

"That's the Luke we know!" Ashton said, making me laugh even harder and making Luke's face even more red.

"We couldn't find a....."

"I FOUND A BALL!" Calum screamed

"Okay, let's go to this scary world called outside then" Michael said

And again, you laughed

When you all arrived at the field, Michael immediately jumped on the ground.

"Now you can play 2 against 2 while i play Flappy bird!"

"Your still playing that old, stupid game?" Calum said while rolling his eyes

"I'm still playing too" you said, making Michael laugh a little

"Yeah, it's pretty cool.. it's old though" Calum quickly said

"Yes, of course Calum.. Go and play now, before i tell your little secret"

"Shut up Michael!" Calum screamed before running up the field.

Did Calum have a little secret?

After a hour of playing, you were tired, and actually didn't want to play anymore, but Calum looked so hot, being all sweaty and shirtless, since he had taken his shirt of.

"Alani! Kick the ball to me!" Calum screamed, making you sigh in annoyance, but at the same time making you happy.

You didn't know why it made you happy though.. Well, actually it was pretty clear why it made you happy, because who wouldn't want to kick the ball to a sweaty, shirtless Calum.

You fixed Ashton's red bandana, which was tied around your head. Ashton tied it around your head, and said you looked adorable with it, after that he winked again at you. You and Ashton had this Flirty friendship. You two kept flirting even though you had no feelings for each other, at all.. At those moments Calum always looked at you and Ashton while he sighed annoyed. At least, that was what you thought, you weren't a 100 percent sure.

"Alani! Watch out!" Calum suddenly screamed.

You looked up, being woken up out of your thoughts, and before you could slap the hard football away from your face, it already hit you, making you feel dizzy.

"Alani! oh my god! i'm so sorry!" Luke screamed, making his way over to you, followed by Calum, Ashton and Michael, who finally got off of his phone.

"Fuck off Hemmings" Calum groaned when Luke sat down next to you.

He shoved Luke away and picked you up, laying you on a little bench which was located next to the field. The other boys probably decided to stay away from Calum, and especially from you since Calum became a bit aggressive when Ashton and later Luke came too close to you.

"Are you alright?" Calum asked

You nodded your head and tried to sit up.

"Hey hey, not so fast, just lay down a little longer" Calum said while pushing you down gently.

"It was just a football that hit me against my head, it wasn't a cannonball or a bowling ball or something" You said.

Suddenly Calum bent over and gave you a small kiss on your head

"Better?" he asked, giving you a concerned look

"I think you missed the spot" You said while giving him a small wink

"You also missed the goal Cal!" Michael suddenly screamed in Calum's ear.

"MICHAEL!" Calum screamed back, before jumping up and beginning to chase Michael.

Just in time you grabbed his wrist, pulling him back to you. His brown eyes met yours and sparks filled your stomach. A smile grew on your face as you saw he had sat down next to you again.

"So, Where were we?" He asked

"I bet you can find that out yourself" You answered, biting your bottom lip.

He smiled and immediately leaned in until he was like 2 inches away.

"Is this the answer?" He whispered

"It's nearly the.." and before you could answer the question, he had pressed his lips against yours, kissing you passionately.

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