Personal Imagine For Abigail :)

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It was a month ago since you accidentally ran into Luke and made him spill his hot coffee all over himself. Luckily he just smiled awkwardly and said it wasn't a big deal. The two of you went to a coffee shop to get a new coffee for Luke. Luke,being the gentleman he is also gave you a cup of coffee, even though you wasn't thirsty.

He didn't blame you, because he could understand you was still a bit nervous and excited since you just met your favourite band member. Well, 'favourite'.. You were still confused about that. You actually had 3 favourite band members. Every day you've got more feelings for another one. Monday was an Ashton day, Tuesday a Niall day, Wednesday a Luke day... And like Ashton and Calum once said: You've got a break on the weekend, when they got asked about their favourite 1D member.

Luke and you had immediately gained a special bonding after that day. since then,he kept texting awkward yet cute messages after you gave him your number that day. It didn't take long for him to ask you to meet the other guys too. You became so excited and of course immediately said yes. But afterwards you wish you didn't because you finally had 1 favourite bandmember for a whole week, and now after meeting Ashton, and Niall who also decided to show up you were at the start again, confused and wondering about who you should like the most.

But today you were standing in front of their dressing room. The 5sos boys, Niall and you became close friends. Niall, Ashton and Luke all had a different nickname for you: Luke called you Abi, Niall called you Gail, and Ashton called you Abi G, just to tease you a little.

Little drops of sweat were running down your face, while you were ready to knock at the door and being greeted by those 4, sometimes 5 little active ninja turtles. Michael tried to teach you all the names of the ninja turtles once.. For one whole day you called them by the names of the ninja turtles, but you forgot them afterwards because the album came out the next day, and you wanted to know all the lyrics immediately of course.

You heard the boys laugh through the door. Niall was definetly there, laughing his ass off over a bad joke Ashton probably told him. Suddenly your name got mentioned and before you could knock on the door, it already opened, revealing Luke, Ashton and Niall.

"Hey ABI GAIL G" you heard. You liked the mix they made from your name, it was cute.

"Hey LukeAshNiall" you said, putting on a smile, which wasn't 100 percent real since you were really nervous.

Suddenly Niall started to laugh, followed by Ashton.

Luke and I both looked confused at the two laughing Irish boys.

"What did we miss?" You finally ask when Ashton and Niall stopped laughing

Ash and Niall look at each other again, and start to laugh, again...

"hahah, It... It was like you... Hahah You said.... Said.. Haha Luke'sASSNiall hahaha"

Tears were streaming down their faces now while Luke and you laughed a little. Behind Niall and Ashton you saw Calum and Michael giggling like two little schoolgirls.

They are all little weirdos...

"Guys, can... Can I talk to you in private?" You asked after they stopped laughing and an awkward silence spread between you and the boys.

"Yes!" They all beamed while Ashton grabbed your hand, taking you, Niall and Luke to a different room.

Butterflies made their way in your tummy, and sparks shot through your body the moment that he touched your hand.

This was harder than you ever could expect...

After you all sat down in a smaller room you cleared your throat, you looked down at your hands and closed your eyes a little longer than usual, seeing all the memories you guys shared together flash by quickly, like it was the last time you would be together with them.

You felt their eyes on you, Niall's gorgeous bluey green eyes, the ones you fell for in the first place, Ashton's green/hazel eyes that changed every time you looked at him would make you get lost in the wonderful maze of colour and of course Luke's ocean blue eyes.. The eyes that you could drown in very easily..

"i... I like you.." You managed to say without shaking or sweating.

"Who?" Luke asked

You looked up, falling for Niall's eyes, getting lost in Ashton's eyes and drowing in Luke's eyes, all over again, at the same time..

"the three of you.."

It stayed still...

"All of us?" Luke finally said

You nodded your head and felt like you could burst out crying any second.

"We should go on a date sometime.." Ashton said

"What, all of us?" you asked a bit hesitantly.

"Yes!" Niall added cheerfully.

"You don't need to you know, I mean..."

"Shh!" Ashton said before kissing you on your cheek.

"You'll have to sit next to me on our triple date!"

"You're joking right?" You asked.

"Shh!" Niall said before kissing you on your nose

"Thank you so much guys!.. But"

You managed to say before getting cut of by Luke's lips on yours

When he leaned out he smiled

"Shh" He said

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