Personal Imagine For Janneke :)

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You're so excited! Today was the day you would meet the boys of 5sos for the first time in your life! It was like a dream coming true, especially because the blonde, cute looking guy Luke Hemmings was in that band. Maybe he was a little too old, but hey? Dreaming about getting together on a meeting like this has never killed anyone right?

You start to sing one of your favourite 5sos songs while still eating a piece of bread before you had to go.

"Janneke? Are you nearly ready? You don't want to run late right?"

You take a deep breath and run up to your mother

"I'm ready!"

"Good, did you got everything? Your snacks? Your drinks? Your poster? Your.."

"Yeah mum! I've got everything!"

"Okay, let's go then!"

In the car you start to get even more excited. You are shaking, screaming and laughing like a drunk person, especially when She looks so perfect comes on, you act crazy. You scream, throw your hands up in the air and start to scream along with the lyrics. Your mum just sits there, looking at you, not knowing what she can do to try to make you calm down a bit

After 3 hours of driving you finally arrive at the building where you would meet them. Your mum quickly presses a kiss on your head and after that she slowly starts to drive away, making sure you really will meet the boys and not just walk into a building with some drug addicts. When the door opens a huge smile appears on your face.


You quickly turn around to wave at your mum and making sure she knew everything was alright. Then you enter the building while having a small conversation with Luke.

"So, where do you come from young lady?" He says with a smile

"From Bakkeveen."

"Bakk... bakufein? Bakke.. Where?"

"Bakkeveen" You say while letting out a small giggle.

"It's located in Friesland"

Again he gives you a confused look. You laugh.

"Never mind, let's go to the other boys!"He suddenly says, probably breaking the silence before it would become awkward.

You slowly turn your head and glare at the shiny black lip ring. It was such a hot thing!

"Did you say something, ermm.. Shit i forgot about your name!"

"I never told you about my name"

He blushes before opening another door.

"HI!" Calum cheerfully screams at you

"Hey!" You scream back.

"Is it Hi, or hey?" You add with a wink. The boys laugh, but not as loud as you hoped they would laugh.

"so, what's...."

"Jannieke" Luke suddenly screams

"Janneke" you say, while you slowly start to blush

he knew your NAME!!

'Little luke has a crush!" Michael screams before running up to him and patting him roughly on the shoulder

The both of you start to blush like crazy.

"Let's start with the tour!" Ashton suddenly says, before grabbing your arm gently and pulling you slightly away from the now fighting Luke and Michael.

"Sorry for them, they're always fighting" Calum adds before taking your other arm.

You quickly look behind you, seeing Luke staring in your direction. His eyes meet yours and a weird feeling grows in your stomach. Were those the butterflies everyone always talks about? It actually didn't feel like butterflies at all. you shrug and glimpse one more time at Luke and his lip piercing. you already imagined the feeling of it on your lips.

After you saw the whole building, and told the boys everything about you, you guys decided to go to the playground. Still you couldn't get your eyes of Luke's lip ring, and the urge to touch it became bigger and bigger, but it would become an awkward situation if you would ask Luke, if you could touch his lip ring..

hey can i touch your lip ring? They would tease you with it forever!

When you all arrived at the playground Calum immediately ran over to the slide, pulling Ashton with him. Michael just decides to sit on the seesaw while you and Luke are running over to the swing.

"I want that one!" You scream while sprinting towards it

"Noo! It's mine janneke!" Luke screams, before grabbing the swing just before you can.

But since the two of you were in such a hurry you fall on top of Luke's lap, which makes Luke fall off the swing with you on top of him. His lips nearly touching yours. You and Luke start to giggle.

"Sorry" You say after the both of you had stopped with laughing.

"It's fine" Luke says while he tries to stand up.

You quickly pull at his hand, making him fall down again.

"Erm, Luke?" You manage to say.

"Yes Janneke?" He says, he looks even hotter than he did before falling off the swing. His hair is messed up and his head is slightly red.

"Can.. Can i please just touch that lip ring of yours.."

He looks down and giggles while his cheeks slowly become red.

"Of... of course i guess.."

You look straight into Luke's eyes before slowly bringing your hand in the direction of his lips. Luke slowly comes closer to you, and just when your finger touches the lip ring he grabs your hand.

"I know a better way to do that" Luke whispers before closing his eyes and pressing his lips, including the lip ring against your lips.

Your eyes widen, but after a short time you start kissing him back. The lip ring is cold, but hot at the same time. Just when you want to put your arms around his neck he leans out again.

"Told ya, it was a better way" He says.

You look at him, and then back at the lip ring. Suddenly you lean in again and kiss him again. Kissing him is just so addictive!

The two of you lean out when you suddenly hear a click of a camera and the kissing noises the boys make.

"This one is gonna be all over twitter!" Michael says before tweeting it

"And Instagram!" Ashton adds, before snapping another picture.

You look back at Luke. Luke looks back at you.

"I love you Janneke.." He whispers before pressing his lips again to yours

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