3 :: Jale Oneshot - _OnceUponTheEnd

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Hey! Snow again, what's up?

This is a Jale oneshot, by the fantastic _OnceUponTheEnd. Once again, thank you all so much for your submissions, your patience, and your support, I really appreciate it.



Jensen's POV

Peacefulness is all that I feel as I lay restfully in my bed, humming softly along to a Shawn Mendes song, and paying no attention to the fact that I have friends that the government is hellbent on capturing, and that by allying myself with them the government could also be hellbent on killing me. I don't think about what would happen if the government actually did capture them, or the possibility of them locating them here. In fact, I don't think about anything. Instead, I just listen to my music and enjoy the warm feeling of the sun's gleam through the bedroom window.

Moments later, I stand up from the bed and walk closer to the window, allowing the sun to shine down upon my entire body, and look up at the tree house. My heart skips a beat at the thought of Hale and how he's grown on me. The feelings he gives me makes me extremely happy, yet scare me so much at the same time. It's not that I hadn't been in love before, in fact, it's the exact opposite. I had been in love before with a guy that was questioning his sexuality, a guy who later came to the conclusion that he was straight and instantly put me in the friend zone. He broke my heart and never once noticed that I was in pain. Then again, I've always been good at fooling Coal about things, how I feel-used to feel- was no different. It's simply information he doesn't need to know. Besides, I'm over him, and unfortunately, I'm falling hard for a certain angel...a certain Batman.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared because I have feelings for Hale, I'm scared because how deeply my feelings for him are. I love Hale. I love how he makes me feel and how my heart aches when I'm not around him; I love the look of curiosity in his innocent-looking eyes at something new, and how someone like him could depend so much on someone like me; I love how at the mere mention of his name, the thought of him takes over every aspect of my brain and every cell in my body, and that scares me because I used to feel the same way about Coal, just to a lesser extent, and that got my heart broken.

Releasing a deep breath, I sluggishly made my way back over to the bed, as the door creaked open.

"Jensen, I need you to watch Sparky and Maple for a few hours." Tide says entering the room.

"Sure thing Kournikova." I reply, too caught up in my thoughts about Hale to realize what I'm getting myself into. That doesn't last long as an overly energized Sparky runs into the room screaming my name, followed by an equally energized Maple.

"Thanks Jensen." Tide rushes out, slamming the door before I got my chance to change my mind.

"Jensen, Jensen, Jensen" Sparky repeats while he runs around in circles around my body. I sigh and answer with a "yes Sparky?"

"Did you know it's gonna storm tonight?" He ask and my body fills with excitement.

"Yeah, so now you have an excuse to sleep in the treehouse with Hale." Maple adds and I shoot her a glare that she pays no attention to.

"There is nothing between Hale and I." I inform the two of them. "And just so you know Maple, I don't need an excuse to sleep in the treehouse with Hale." I say and instantly regret it when both of their faces light up like Christmas trees.

"JENSEN AND HALE SLEEPING IN THE TREE!" They both start and I try my best to cover my ears. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G." They continue and I decide to stop them before they get any further.

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