7 :: Meet Me and My Amazingness - (and thank ArchAvenger for the idea)

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Welcome to my life.

Now you, the reader, may be wondering why I've just addressed you. Why I'm still addressing you. Maybe you're wondering why you're reading this. Well, it's because I'm what some would call a mutant. A freak. A danger to society, or something. The nicknames get more and more creative. That's the fourth wall breaking part, not why you're here. You're here because you have nothing better to do. Or you actually enjoy my presence. Maybe both.

Anyways, like I said, welcome to my life. You're about to get up close and personal with it.

Generally, this is the point where the author would describe my "average" looks, which include sparkling blue eyes like the bays of Atlantis, gloriously unkempt hair blowing majestically in the wind, not to mention my toned abs and delicious body.

But no. For one, I'm not going to bore you with that crap. Two, I can't find a handy dandy love interest to describe my eyes for you. And three, I'm a dark haired, dark eyed, average height Asian.

See? All you need to know in one sentence. No monologues about my beauteous features. Unless you want those, in which I will gladly oblige.

Unfortunately, my appearances are not all you need to know. I am fictional. You aren't. It's a bit of an issue, actually. You get your true, real-life emotions and actions and free will while I'm stuck here at the mercy of an author. It sucks. Like being some sort of self-aware puppet.

You probably came here thinking you were gonna read some story about the magical people in the universe of The Elementals written by that fat spotted snowball kitten. Unfortunately for you, you aren't going to get that. Actually, it's pretty great for you, considering what I'm going to do is better.

See, I'd fit in pretty well with the kids in Ignite. Also with the kids in this story called Aliquid, but not quite as amazingly because I don't control an element, per se. I'm one of those powered people who has mystical abilities, but I'm sure you've already figured out what they are. I can break the fourth wall. I can also jump from universe to universe. People who are with me typically are able to break the fourth wall, too.

Right now, I'm in limbo. Between universes. It doesn't look like much. It's kind of like in TV shows or movies when the characters are in a place that isn't a place and it's all white. The walls, the ceiling, the floor. It's like a house, except everything is white and there's no furniture or door and it's not a house at all. This is kind of my home.

It's complicated.

Back to my reasons for being here instead of all of your favorites. (Though why I'm not your favorite is beyond me). Because I am occasionally a nice person, you're in for a treat. A meet and greet. It'll be sweet. I should stop.

I know a lot of you have wanted to be fictional at some point in your life (please, don't ever become fictional. It's not all it's cut out to be.)

(Seriously, though, you think being fictional is super great, right? Powers, love interests, love triangles, sometimes, if you're super duper lucky, a love dodecahedron. Not to mention the way we inexplicably are able to get out of any problem. But no, it kind of sucks. You've got millions of people just watching your every move. Oh, you screw up? Millions of people see that. And you wonder why no one writes about characters going to the bathroom. Honestly).

Some of you have wanted to be fictional just to go on adventures with a ragtag gang of misfits. You can do that in real life. Log out of Netflix and call up some friends. Explore. You don't even need friends. Just go out and make the world a prettier place. Do crazy stuff. Do it for the story (just don't be an asshole). Others have wanted to be fictional just to chill with your favorite characters. You're getting your wish today. Sort of.

So you remember how I said I could jump universes a few paragraphs ago? With my whole powers description? Yeah. So I'm gonna become your favorite person ever and jump into a couple of different stories on this orange website I call home. Those stories being the wonderful Ignite, Aliquid, and Running Home.

I've heard that a handful of people want a little Q&A time with the characters and/or the authors. I'm here to make that happen. You guys all know how the little comment button works, right? Well if you leave a comment anywhere on this chapter, I will see it and make sure it gets answered by the person or people you've directed it towards. Your questions can be just about anything. Just not about spoilers. Spoilers aren't allowed.

Also, the characters in these different books all know each other. Sort of. Somehow. The reason and logic is beyond me. Probably because there is none involved. But yeah. So you can ask about that. You can also ask your questions to Harry Potter. That's me. I named myself Harry Potter after the most famous book character ever because I didn't have a name, and it was cool. Also, if left to her own devices, the snowball kitten would name me something stupid, like, Bob or Legolas or DH for "Dimension Hopper." You can thank the owl for stopping her.

To recap the rules: Leave a comment on this chapter or a paragraph on this chapter, just basically somewhere here, and I will see it. Make sure you specify who you want it to go to, be it an author, a character, or multiple people. You could even ask a question to the whole group. They'll answer through one of the three authors' Wattpad accounts as a reply to your comment.

I'm doing this for everyone to have fun, and I'd also love it if you guys all made new friends in the comments. Talk to each other, PM each other, and form a bromance or fall in love or something. (If you do fall in love because of me, tell the authors.)

Hey, you can also email the authors questions or art or pictures or headcanons or fanfiction or all of the above and more. They're all eager to fangirl/boy with you. Their email is silverflickerowl (at sign bc this site hates me and my wonderful personality) gmail.com. Hit them up. They like hearing about your day and seeing your pets. Especially if you have a cute dog.

Now, finally, let the Q&A commence!

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