6 :: Orion One Shot - frenchowl

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*Potential Trigger Warning: cutting mention*

Author's Note:

This is a fic written for Ignite by the spectacular @silversnowleopard. It was either this or trying to write my own story, and this was easier- sorry to those who want an update on Wren and the gang. It may deviate from canon a little bit (I'm not sure how much or if at all).

Basically this is about Owen. It started being about the *cough cough* truly neglected ship, Orian, but it ended up being just about Owen. Oh well. Really, I should've done it about Steel. He's the long time unpopular fave.

So here's my crappy writing, which is actually the first thing I've written in months, so yay about that. I'm not dead. I promise. Always love getting PMs, asks please vote and comment on this lovely side book here that's not even mine.

Thanks guys, lots of love from @frenchowl.


Owen woke up, beads of sweat running down his face. He looked down at the bed.

She wasn't dead. She was right here. The kids were down the hall. The bullet wound on his chest was still red and angry. Everything was okay.

Everything wasn't okay.

Rian woke up smiling and nudged his arm. She looked perfect. He was exhausted.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"Fine," he said. "I'm fine."

She sat up and held his hand. For a woman in a shirt with a bunny in glasses on it, she was amazing at reading people. She was incredibly smart, incredibly beautiful. He was neither.

"Owen, you're not fine."

He stood up and went to go put on a sweater and jeans. He tugged on his sleeves, trying to stretch them out further to cover his scars. So much had happened recently. Everything was in turmoil. His scars were fresh again, but he didn't want her to find out.

She got up and hugged him from behind, resting her head on his back.

"It's a hundred degrees. You should put on a tee shirt," she stated.


She pulled away and faced him.

"You can talk to me, Owen," she assured.

She was trying to smile. She looked ridiculous, squinting her eyes. He chuckled and handed her her glasses.

"You probably need these," he joked.

"Yeah, they'll probably be helpful."

She twirled them around a bit before putting them on. She wasn't too much shorter than him, but it was just enough where she could comfortably stand close to him with her arms up around his neck. Her hair was still up in a messy ponytail from the day before, but she looked more beautiful than ever.

"Owen, we need you out here," Audrey shouted from the hallway.

"Way to ruin the moment," he muttered.

Rian laughed and hit him lightly on the chest. He tried not to wince, but he couldn't stop the reaction. Her face fell as soon as he flinched back.

"Oh, my god, Owen, I'm so sorry," she apologized.

He shook his head and tried to reassure her, but she kept on. She looked so worried. Her face was full of genuine concern.

"Seriously, I should've remembered. Do you need new bandages? I can check it if you want. I'm an idiot, I'm sorry-"

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