8 :: The Chronicles of a Street Rat and His Mushu

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Hey guys!

Okay so funny story. I've got writer's block - not like "oh no what comes next" writer's block (well kind of, but that's been there forever so it's more like a little gnat at this point) but it's more along the lines of "I know what should happen, let's do this!...how do I write again?" kind of writer's block. Basically, if you listen to It's Hard to Be the Bard you'll know exactly how I'm feeling (and also be introduced to a fabulous musical song at the same time, how exciting)

Anyway, it's painful and annoying, and is getting in the way of my newest chapter. But - it means I've been writing other things from other POVs and trying new techniques and stuff so you get little one shots that help me get to know my characters better! OMG right???

Yeah, I know, it's not that cool.

So backstory on this little hairball of a one shot I hacked up, or more setting and some important info:

1) this is set a year or so before Coal got taken by the big bad government, so he and Jensen are in Hawaii, about eleven, and small and adorable. Jensen doesn't know about Coal's powers yet, but they're still best friends, and this is him finding out in a dramatic way. (plus some small children being small children like it's nice to write my sons being stupid and happy for once)

2) Jensen has the most hideous crush on Coal. My poor, poor bab. I mean, you can't blame him. Anyone who is around this handsome little nerd for more than a week at least considers a crush on him, it's the Adam Parrish Effect, and Jensen had to share a room with him for a year prior to this, and then another year after this. Honestly, Jensen didn't stand a chance.

3) I was trying to improve my writing so it's kind of pretentious maybe? Idk man, but like the owl beta read it and said it seemed a little older than 11/12 year old thoughts and stuff so that's a warning. Also, I am not a boy, writing from the perspective of a boy, and I'm kind of winging it, also I've destroyed any memories from when I was 11/12 so I'm winging that aspect as well. You've been warned.

4) this is a lot of things, sorry guys. But I was thinking of making this a thing, you know? Random little snippets of these two dorks being dorky before all the crap caught up to them. So I was thinking things like the first meeting aka Jensen uses Coal as his unknowing con partner, or building the tree house aka Coal has a hammer and almost kills himself and Jensen - you know, that sort of stuff. So do you want me to post them if/when I write them?

5) the meet and greet question thing is still going, it just won't be as instantaneous as in the beginning. Owl, Flicker, and I check it every couple days or so for new comments and make sure stuff gets answered so if you have more questions go for it. (also if you had a question that didn't get answered just resend it so it's at the top of the comment thing) ALSO ALSO thank you to everyone who participated it was so fun and helped me and I'm sure Owl and Flicker get to know our characters and ah, it was lovely. Shoutout to ArchAvenger for that idea

Think that's it. Finally. I talk a lot, and I apologize for that, friends, I just find it easier to say what I want to say when I don't have to look someone in the eyes. So you get to deal with my chattiness here. You're welcome.

Anyway, hope you have a lovely existence, hope you enjoy this little drabble, and I hope it helps the wait for the new chapter!


Jensen woke up to Coal crying out his name.

Jensen knew Coal talked in his sleep; sometimes he would lie awake on the top bunk until the other boy's murmurs soothed him enough to let his eyes close.

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