4 :: Caeliot One Shot - _OnceUponTheEnd

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Okay, so this is another one shot done by the truly amazing _OnceUponTheEnd.

So let's all be nice and happy and good, alright? No ship wars, and I know you'll enjoy this masterpiece!


It was night and as per usual, Caelum couldn't sleep. How could he? How could anyone sleep when the person that's ruining his life turns out to be his mother and most of the group still considers him a traitor. How could anyone sleep knowing that the people he'd so easily trust with his life, would never trust him with theirs. Honestly, he couldn't trust his self with his life. Despite the fact that Izila is a horrible person, or that she turned the world against him, and made him a terrorist, and is the reason that the people he wants so badly to call his friends--his family-- all hate him with a passion, despite it all, he couldn't help but think if having him there as a child would have made a difference in her life. Sometimes, he wished he could have been there; to actually call her mom, for her to read him bed time stories and tuck him in at night, but then he remembers that she made him what he is; she gave him away when she could have stayed to build a relationship with him--her son. She doesn't love. A person like her is incapable of feeling such an emotion for anyone.

Feeling the tears threatening to escape from within, he rose from his position on the floor of the boathouse and walked outside. It was a bit chilly, but he didn't mind. He liked the cold. In his mind, the coldness was a powerful defense against any enemy. It weakens the skin, increases the smallest fractions of pain by a tenfold. Even for people like Coal, or Charolette, or Izila, who can all manipulate fire, and heat their body, the coldness would, if nothing, slow their reaction time.

Caelum also like the wind, the way it could blow away anything with enough force. He always told himself that one day, he'd let it blow him away, and that he'd be happy with wherever it blew him. It would be a new start, something he desperately wanted, but first he had to help Tide and the others defeat Izila, or die trying. He desperately wanted a new start, but he also felt compelled to show everyone that, for once, he was undoubtedly on their side. He wasn't going to run away from Izila, or anyone for that matter.

Wanting desperately to clear his mind from such depressing thoughts, he made his way up to the roof of the boat house. The wind was blowing, but not with enough force to blow him away. Not without a little help that is.

He closed his eyes and stood at the tip of the roof with his arms spread as if he were about to sacrifice himself, but instead, he dropped the gravitational pull on himself and when the wind blew again, a little stronger than before, he blew away with it. It was a bit hard to focus on his gravitational pull, but he didn't mind. He'd push himself to whatever length is necessary to feel this free. Free of choices and decisions. He didn't have to decide where he went like when he flew, the wind was his guide and he- no matter what- he would trust it.

He opened his eyes, making it a bit harder to truly focus, but somehow he managed. He was low enough to make out the buildings, but high enough to not recognize them as buildings, or to see them as a certain height- skyscrapers and small convenient stores were all the same height from up above. He didn't want to see them, honestly. It was depressing. They were all destroyed, burned, and all because of a lunatic hellbent on ridding the world of its rightful inhabitants. Caelum hated Izila, but sometimes- sometimes he hated her so much it made him sad. A boy is supposed to love his mother, protect her from the eyes of men who want nothing but to hurt her, and here he was. He didn't love his mother, he didn't even know her. He didn't have to worry about protecting her from the wandering eye of guys, because she was what he had to protect the world from. Izila was a lot of things; evil, deceitful, a horrible person, undeserving of the life she occupied, but she was not, and never would be a mother to Caelum.

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