12 :: tea and coffee

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Hello, it's me again! I hope you all are doing great still.

This little thing  right here is one of the many projects I've waded into. It's a sort  of a "meanwhile" thing. It takes place during the S.O.S. chapter of the  Elementals, because I've become unhappy with how little the Orian ship  was shown during the lead up (which is one of the best parts, come on)  but anyway, this is how Owen and Rian first meet. I'm hoping to do more  with them, especially clearing up that One Scene™ where Tide just  e x p o s e s  Owen in front of Rianover a bag of M&Ms no less and  leaves the poor guy at the table there with no backup. That's so sad,  bros don't do that to bros, Tide. But I've seen lots of comments  wondering about that scene and what happened and tbh, I'm open to  suggestions bc who knows?? Not me, that's for sure.

Anyway, this is the  first night on the boat from Rian's pov, and it shows how brilliant  my wonderful science girl is, and also what a softy Owen was from  the start. I hope you have a lovely existence and enjoy the chapter/one shot/thing!

I like to call this one: I neglected this ship and have suddenly become obsessed with it so here's a bunch of stuff about my stupid kids-that-are-actually-not-kids-and-are-older-than-me. AKA, Orian: take 1.




The storm had come in the blink of an eye.

Rather, they had run right into it. Not only were they unprepared to handle any sort of sea related danger, but the one member of the team who could control water was below deck.

Rian had been trying to go down and get Tide when the boat tossed to the side and sent her slipping along with it. They were nearing a tiny island with big rocks. Rian wasn't a fan of crashing into them, so she found leverage and went for the lower deck once again.

    "There's another boat!" Terra shouted over the noise of the water.

Rian's gaze followed the direction Terra was pointing, and she saw the large boat heading for them. There was a symbol on it, one she couldn't make out entirely but didn't have to. It was an official government vessel.

    "Get onto it when they pull up," Rian ordered Terra. "Make sure everyone gets off this boat."

Terra nodded and ran to collect the others, herding them to the side of the boat. Shouting made Rian glance back to see the crew of the government ship helping Maple and Sparky onto the deck. Steel was next, then Stella, and Terra threw a look back at Rian. She nodded for her to board, hammering a fist on the door leading below deck in hopes it would get Tide's attention.

The boat hit a monstrous wave and the bow seesawed. Rian screamed. They were tilting towards the rocks. She struggled to hold on, fingers slipping from their grip as the boat careened in the opposite direction. She stumbled and lost balance, falling towards the edge of the deck. The railing kept her from going overboard, but the bar pushed against the bottom of her ribs as she crashed into it.


Rian squinted at the source of the unfamiliar voice. She had taken off her glasses. The rain made it harder to see with them on rather than without. The shape was fuzzy around the edges, but it was clearly a man. He gripped one of the cleats on her boat while struggling to keep balance on the deck of the other.

    "Get on!" he said, beckoning with one hand before returning his attention to keeping the two boats within crossable distance.

    "Oh, but Tide and—" Rian sucked in a salty, painful breath. "There are still two kids onboard!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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