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A/N- For those of you who enjoyed and rereading, or for those who are reading this book for the first time, I recommend you read a newer book call Symphonies Untold. While the books aren't terribly similar, I'm sure you'll like the slowly simmering relationship between the characters.

The cover was done by Pankhri444!

It was another ordinary day for Isabelle. Get up, take a cold shower, dry off, then put her hair in a sleek ponytail maybe a bun depending on her mood. After that was finished she had to put on her uniform which consisted of a black tank top covered by a white, brown, and grey camouflage overshirt along with the same styled military pants.

When she was fully dressed she slowly walked over to her shoes idly placed by the dull wooden door. She bent down, slowly and quietly as to not wake the others, and grabbed them. Once she sat on the bed the sudden depression of having to take off her warm fuzzy socks overtook her.

Letting out a sigh she lifted her right foot over her left leg and easily took it off is quick to replace it was the rough cotton of another sock. She quickly slipped her brown combat boot on and laced it up as tightly as she could. Once she finished she did the same to her left foot. Taking in a deep breath of cold early morning air she took a peek outside her window where the early rays of sunlight hit her face.

As emotionlessly as before she closed the curtains and walked to her door. Looking at the clock on the far wall she watched the second hand.


She slung her door open right as the wake-up horn went off and stood at attention in front of her teacher, Commander Shacoski. It wasn't long before the others ran out attempting to tie their shoelaces while hopping on the other leg, tucking in their shirts, some even being disturbing enough to be zipping up their pants and putting their belt on.

Sneering at them she turned back to her teacher standing full attention. "Slobs! All of you daisy pickers owe me two hundred push-ups! I will not allow this girl to outdo you, boys! If I can even call you boys!" Commander began to scream in different people's faces. All except Isabelle of course.

Isabelle was the only girl here, except for a few female soldiers who have come and gone over the past few months. After all, this was supposed to be an all-boys academy but when your father runs the whole army, people have no choice but to step aside and let things go. Don't get it wrong though. There are female academies for militant arts but this was the place to be, and her father knew that.

"General Romofski!" Commander screamed his war cry to the teenager standing at attention. "Yes, sir! Commander sir!" As soon as she had taken the lead here Commander always jokes with her by calling her General, like her father. "Take the lead! These boys need a good lesson!" She nodded and walked up front.

All the boys rolled their eyes and laughed. "A girl! Seriously!" They would joke around and treat her like trash but as if she let them get away with it. "Drop and give me two hundred!" Commander yelled at the boys. After a past incident he knew if she said it, nothing would happen but jokes and laughter.

All the boys dropped and did petty little push-ups. "What do you girls think you're doing! I don't remember entering a girl academy! You bunch of bozos look like babies!" Walking over to one boy who didn't go down far enough she began to yell multiple insults and sometimes counting how many they've done.

Getting tired of the laziness she put her foot on top of one boy's back. "What part of push-ups do you not understand! It looks like you need to go back to the first year!" The first year is not the place to be. Everything seems nice but as soon as you get relaxed they jump you and get you to become the cold soldier ready for anything.

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