Chapter One: Mr. Leroy Sir

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8 Years Later In Isabelle's P.O.V.

Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock, that's what I'm used to. Waking up twenty minutes later to find the power went out from the storm last night, not so much.

That's why I'm here. Running around my apartment looking for my shoes. Stitch, my cat, preferred to stay in bed wrapped in MY warm covers while I was running around like a maniac.

"Where are they! Come on!" I shouted as I tore through my closet. Of all days today! The one time I get to show off! Let me be clear and explain a little something about me...

I'm a secretary for a fashion company know as 'Savvy Style.' I work closely with the CEO and the one day I need to be impressive, the one day that really matters was today.

Today, when a few selected designers will be chosen to help noble women prepare for a ball. Today when I COULD be CHOSEN to be the SECRETARY for a NOBLE. I usually don't care about that stuff. I couldn't care less about princes and nobles. But they pay WAY better than my usual salary.

So here I am running down the streets in high heels. Rude people yelled at me using colorful language while others just brushed me off as a nuisance.

The run only lasted a few minutes before the beautiful shine from the windows of my work building was in sight. Taking a deep breath I slowed to a walk and entered. "Good morning Isabelle!" Liz, the front desk woman greeted as she scaned my ID. "Good morning Liz!" I say between breaths before jogging to the elevator.

As soon as I got in I started to hit the top button repeatedly wishing it to go faster, of course the doors took their sweet time closing. I finally felt better knowing that I'd be on time, that was before HE put his foot in the way.

Richard Hudson.

The one male that has been harassing me since day one. Some days I just live with it, as if I had a choice not to. That day was not today. "Why hello Isabelle! How nice to see you here!" His sick smile made me internally barf as he strutted closer to me like a predator to its prey.

"I'm trying to get to work. Obviously." I jestered around me sarcastically and rolled my eyes. "Oh really? Well I thought that you and me," He walked in letting the doors close and locked them. "Could have a little fun."

He attempted to walk closer but I stopped him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Warning him I walked by the buttons. "Oh really?" With a sick smirk he walked closed pressing me against the wall, his arms on either side of my head leaving me no space to move.

As he leaned in closer my fingers began looking for the emergency switch. I felt his breath on my face making me gag and turn away. " I warned you."

Just as I finished speaking the emergency siren went off and lights began flashing. He gave me a pointed look before speaking. "You better not."

"Better not what? Tell the security that you've been harassing me since day one?" With a smile I watched the guards pry the door open and switch the bells off.

"Is everything okay Miss Richards?" Paul the head of security asked while walking out with me. "Nope. Richard keeps sexually harassing me. Today it went too far." Chuckling he motioned his men to tackle Richard who was trying to exit the scene.

"You know Mr. Hudson, sexual harassment in a workplace is a very serious crime. I'm sure your wife wouldn't be happy to know that you got fired for that reason." Paul said shaking his head.

"Leave Martha out of this." The cops escorted him away to the security quarters in the building. Shaking my head I sighed. "Call Martha and let her know what's going on. Help him keep his job but keep an eye on him." I whispered to Paul who nodded his head.

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