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"Sweetheart please, daddy's tired too but screaming and crying doesn't help anybody. Please calm down. It's okay, daddy's here. Daddy's here."

Lilly only continued to wail as another boom of thunder rattled through the walls and the Lightning continued to cast eerie shadows on the walls as the storm raged outside which only made poor little Lilly even more upset.

Harry sighed but continued to rock her in his arms and speak softly and as comforting as he possibly could, "I know sweetie, I'm sorry. If I could stop the storm I would. But you're okay, daddy's got you."

Three more hours of screaming, crying, and wailing, and Lilly had finally given into sleep much to Harry's relief.

"I really need to find your Mummy, you're taking away all of daddy's sleep. But that's okay, he still loves you very much."

He kissed her little forehead before setting her down gently in her crib and covering her with her blankets so that the chilly London air wouldn't get to her.

"Please sleep well sweetheart."

                               • • •
"Daddy! Daddy can you do my hair!?" Lilly called happily as she ran through the house and into Harry's room.

"Of course sweetheart, just let daddy finish brushing his teeth."

Lilly rocked on her heels and twirled her pretty brown hair in her small fingers, her eyes trained on Harry as he brushed his teeth with his pink toothbrush.


Harry spit in the sink, "Yes sweetheart?"

"Why is your toofbrush pink? That's a girwl colour."

Harry laughed and proceeded to rinse his mouth, "My toothbrush is pink because I like the colour pink. Boys can like pink too you know."

"They can?"

Harry smiled and nodded, lifting her up and carrying her to her room to do her hair, "Mmhmm. They can like whatever they want just like you can like whatever you want. How would you like your hair done princess?"

Lilly giggled as he set her down in her pink chair in front of her gigantic mirror, "French braids pwease daddy!"

Harry smiled softly as he brushed through her loose curls gently to untangle the knots, "Can you tell me why you like those so often?"

Lilly nodded and yelled a loud "ow"when the brush got stuck, "They look pwetty and Derek tells me they wook nice."

Harry made a face and she giggled, "Derek?"

Lilly nodded again, a bright smile on her face even though a few of her teeth were missing, "Yes! Derek!"

Harry's hands skillfully worked at her hair, "And who, is Derek?"

Lilly giggled and squirmed a little in her chair, "A boy."

Harry smiled, "A boy?"


He didn't say another word and continued to smile as he braided her hair. Actually, he thought it very cute that a little boy had taken an interest in his pretty little girl.


His dimples popped out as his smile grew, "Yes sweetheart?"

Lilly twisted her fingers in her lap, a sad pout to her pink lips, "Why don't I have a Mummy? Eferyone ewlse has a Mummy and sometimes they even get...get picked up by their Mummy."

Harry's expression dropped instantly, he'd been dreading the day that she asked that specific question. He only hoped that it would come later on rather than sooner. Guess not.

"Well, sweetie, you do have a Mummy but she's gone away for a little bit to take care of herself."

Lilly forced him to stop braiding by turning her head to give him the most heartbreaking look he'd ever seen her make, "But why daddy? Doesn't she luff us too?"

Harry let out a deep breath and smiled softly, he had to lie to her and spare her precious little heart, "Yes, very much but she has some very important things to take care of. She'll be back though sweetie, I promise."

Truth was, he had no idea if she loved him at all or if she had any love in her heart for the adorable little girl that she'd abandoned years ago.

Lilly's lip started to quiver and tears formed in her vibrant green eyes quickly, melting his heart in only moments, "I want Mummy, Daddy."

Her arms were around him in seconds and hugging him tightly, sobs wracking her small body as she clung to him.

He couldn't help the few tears that fell from his own eyes as he held her, "I know sweetie, I know. I'm so sorry, daddy's so sorry."


Harry smoothed her hair and picked her up so that she wasn't in an awkward position, "Shhh sweetheart, I know, I know."

He let her cry for as long as she needed and spoke only when her sobs quieted, "How about we skip school and go get some ice cream, does that sound good to my little princess?"

Lilly sniffled and nodded into his shoulder and he laughed lightly, "We could go shopping too if you want? Maybe get some more princess stuff for your party?"

A small smile crept to her lips as she looked up at him, "Yes pwease daddy."

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