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Harry's shocked expression changed as he laughed lightly and excused his daughter, "Sorry about that," he paused to speak lowly in her ear so that Lilly wouldn't hear him and get upset, "She doesn't know who her Mummy is and neither do I but apparently she thinks it's you so I apologize."

Skylar smiled and nodded briefly, "How have you been? It's been ages."

Harry smiled weakly, she was the one that had made it so after they'd spent a drunk, passionate night together years ago, "I've been good, yeah. Especially with Lilly here keeping me company. What about you?"

He pretended that she hadn't broken his heart when she stepped away from their friendship even when he tried to keep her in his life, "I've been alright I guess. Is this your daughter?"

Harry smiled brightly, "Yes, she's my daughter but you've apparently already met so there goes introductions. Would you like to get some ice cream with us and catch up or are you busy?"

Skylar hesitated for a bit longer than what was considered normal before she smiled, "Yes, I'd like that. So what do you do for a living now?"

Harry lifted Lilly up a bit so that his arm was more comfortable with her weight. He was noticing that it was getting harder to hold her like this and frowned because it meant she was growing up and that he wouldn't be able to carry her on his arm soon.

"I'm CEO for a company called Around the Globe, we trade stocks and do what we can to help out places in need around the world. What about you?"

Skylar shrugged, a soft smile on her lips, "I do what I can really. Right now I'm going to school to get my degree in Pharmaceutics."

Harry's eyes widened slightly, "Really? That's brilliant! I always thought you were going to go to be a doctor though."

Skylar laughed as they reached the counter and he sweetly asked Lilly what kind of ice cream she wanted, "I was going to but then I changed my mind when life started to make sense, if you know what I mean."

Harry nodded briefly as he ordered for Lilly and then himself, "Certainly."

Once they had received their orders and taken a seat he found himself asking out of pure curiosity, "Do you have a boyfriend or anything.?"

Lilly was oblivious to the conversation they were sharing as her eyes wandered to the play area.


Skylar smiled and kept her answer to herself to give Lilly her father's full attention, "Yes sweetheart?"

Lilly shifted in her seat giddily, "When I finish, can I go pway over dere?"

Harry gently wiped the chocolate ice cream from the corners of her mouth with a smile clear on his rather pink lips, "Of course you can. Just make sure not to go anywhere else this time okay?"

Lilly beamed and nodded quickly, "Yes daddy!"

She ate her ice cream happily as her bright eyes watched the other children playing and Skylar marveled at just how adorable their relationship was. Harry had always been good with kids and it still always seemed to amaze her.

"To your previous question, the answer depends on who's asking."

Harry laughed and playfully rolled his eyes, she was still the same Skylar that he remembered, "I can see you haven't changed much at all. Was just curious really."

Skylar avoided his eyes and looked down at the bland table as she continued to finish her ice cream, "The real answer is no, I'm a bit more focused on school work right now and well, I haven't really met anyone that I've taken a keen interest in."

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