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"Oh..." Skylar muttered as she stared at the ceiling and caught her breath.

Harry perched himself on his elbow, his bright eyes focused on her and his brows slightly furrowed, "That didn't sound like a good 'oh'."

She turned to face him as well, her eyes getting lost in his beautiful green ones for a moment before she sighed, "I, we, shouldn't have done this. I should have just gone after dinner, I'm sorry."

Harry frowned, "Why do you say that? We're adults, we're allowed to have sex and it happens. It's not like I asked you to marry me or anything."


He shook his head and got out of bed, his hand running through his damp hair, "I'm going to take a shower, if Lilly needs me just let me know and I'll be out in seconds."

Skylar frowned, "Harry..."

Harry held up his hand before the door shut, "I get it, it's just like the last time. Don't worry about it."

The hot water just about burned his skin but he ignored it and felt more relaxed than in pain. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why nobody ever wanted to be with him for more than a night or so.

He wasn't rude or obnoxious and he certainly wasn't lacking anything downstairs. Yet, no matter how kind, sweet, or romantic he was no one ever wanted to try for a relationship with him.

Sure, sometimes it was because of Lilly or his job but those were things he couldn't, and wouldn't, give up even if he could and he didn't want someone who didn't like that.

But everything was different with Skylar. Ever since that first night they'd slept together with broken hearts and blurred minds she was so different from how he knew her to be. From who she really was underneath all of those layers of protection she had shrouded herself in.

Dinner with her made it feel like nothing had changed at all, like she was still his best friend in the world and like she had never left in the first place. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything about how he used to and still did have feelings for her.

Maybe then he would have been spared his heart instead of feeling hurt and nearly empty inside.

His thoughts consumed him as the scalding water cascaded down his body and he couldn't hear Lilly start to cry from her room down the hall. Skylar panicked and searched for something to wear before she went to comfort his little girl.


Skylar frowned and quickly pulled on some underwear and Harry's shirt before rushing down the hall to Lilly's room.

Lilly was propped up against her headboard, crying and hugging her stuffed bunny tightly to her small body.


Skylar shook her head, "No sweetheart, he's in the shower. What happened?"

Her bottom lip quivered as she looked at Skylar, her tears falling slightly more slowly, "I...I had a bad d-dream. I want my D-daddy."

Skylar hugged her before asking, "Do you want him to come here or do you want me to bring you to him?"

"I just want Daddy."

She nodded briefly before picking Lilly up gently and kissing her forehead, "Okay sweetie, let's go get Daddy."

Lilly had hardly calmed down by the time Skylar had knocked on the door loudly, "Harry?"


She wiped a few tears from Lilly's cheeks, "Lilly had a bad dream and keeps asking for you."

The water turned off almost instantly and, from the sound of it, in his haste to get out, he had slipped partially and almost fallen, small curses passing his lips that were barely audible through the heavy door.

"Daddy will be right there sweetie!"

Skylar backed away from the door so that he could get out without hitting either of them and Lilly sniffled and wiped at her eyes although her tears continued to fall steadily down her now rosy cheeks.

Harry stepped out of the bathroom only moments later, his hair dripping onto the floor and a pristine white towel hanging precariously from his waist, his arms open wide for his little girl.

"I'm here sweetie, Daddy's here. What happened?"

Skylar stepped back and sat on the bed, observing the two of them, how quickly she reacted to his embrace and how concerned he was even though she had only had a bad dream.

Lilly clung to him, her tears wetting his already moist skin and her little arms holding him tightly like he would disappear at any second.

"I h-had a bad dream and y-you l-left me Daddy, you l-left m-me."

Harry immediately shook his head, "No no no, sweetie. Daddy would never, ever leave you. Never."

Lilly sniffled and shook as her sobs started to die down, "P-promise?"

He hugged her slightly closer to him, "I promise."

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