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"Lilly, please pick up your toys. You don't want Skylar to think that you're messy, do you?" Harry commented with a slight laugh as Lilly bolted up from her seat on the couch, a massive grin on her lips.

"Skylar is coming over!? Daddy! You didn't tell me!" She began to rush around the room and pick up her toys frantically in fear that Skylar would show up at any minute.

Harry watched her with an amused smile, he had told her during lunch but she was adamantly focused on their "tea party" so she had clearly forgotten.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to rush, she won't be here for another two hours."

Lilly threw her hands up in the air, frustrated with how her father didn't mention these things to her until the last minute, "That's so long!"

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, his hands deep in the pockets of his overly tight skinny jeans, "Just make sure that you have everything put away before she gets here, okay sweetie?"

Lilly nodded and continued to pick up all of her scattered toys and coloring books at a much slower pace, "Yes Daddy."

He let her go on for about two minutes before he started to help her even though he was trying to teach her responsibility so that he could get her that little kitten that she wanted when they stopped into a pet shop to buy food for her Aunt Gemma's kitties.

The look of pure joy on her face when they had passed the kitten adoption section of the store melted his heart and proceeded to break it when he had to tell his sweet little girl no. It wasn't the fact that he didn't want her to have it or that he couldn't afford it, it was because he wanted to teach her how to be a bit more responsible before he got her a pet.

Oh but she was so adorable and so was the little kitten which only made his day ten times more difficult. She had cried about it for a good hour or so which broke his heart but she also had to know that you can't have everything that you want all the time.

He spoiled her rotten more often than he would like to admit so it helped his case a teeny bit if only for a little while.

Once all of her toys and schoolwork had been put away, he was still working from home and teaching her because of her leg that was getting better slowly, he carried her downstairs on his arm and asked, "Would you like to have pizza for dinner tonight?"

Lilly almost squealed with excitement, pizza wasn't super rare but it was rare enough that when she did get to have it she was overjoyed, "Yes please Daddy!"

Harry kissed her cheek, he loved to see her so excited, "Pizza it is. Just tell me when you're hungry sweetie and I will call for delivery, okay?"

Lilly nodded happily and kissed his cheek in return, "Yes Daddy! Is Skylar almost here?"

He checked his watch before carefully setting her on the couch and taking a seat beside her, "She should be soon. You like her right?"

She nodded and cuddled closer to his side, the house was cold no matter how high he turned up the heat and he felt terrible because she was always cold.


Harry nodded, "Good. I want you to tell me when you don't like someone I have over, I don't want you to be upset like you were the last time, okay?"

The last woman he was with, even for that brief time, had Lilly very upset but she didn't end up telling her father until a few weeks had gone by and she was still coming to their house. Apparently, she hadn't liked Lilly, or him for that matter, and was mean to her when he wasn't looking.

It turned out that she just wanted his money and his pleasures and, when he found out, she was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Okay Daddy."

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