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"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Lilly wiped at her eyes to remove the last few tears that still lingered, a small smile on her lips as Harry held her, "No Daddy."

Harry kissed her cheek obnoxiously which made her giggle, "Daddy!"

Harry grinned, "What!? I can't kiss my little princess now?"

Lilly only continued to giggle so he kissed her cheek again, "I love you!"

"I love you too daddy!"

He didn't mention that she'd finally begin to speak more properly but his smile certainly grew at the change, "Guess what?"

Lilly smiled brightly, her nose and eyes scrunching as she looked at Harry and asked, "What daddy?"

"You don't have to go to school for a little bit until we sort this out. So, would you like Grandma or someone to watch you or would you like Daddy to stay home with you for a little bit?"

"Daddy! No one else!"

Harry laughed lightly and gave her a playful look, "I don't know, that didn't sound too convincing."

Lilly laughed loudly and threw her arms around his neck, "Please Daddy!? I want you to stay!"

He kissed her cheek again, "That's more like it! Now let's go get your medicine so we can take you home, okay?"

Lilly nodded, "Okay Daddy!"

He ended up stopping through a drive through for dinner after getting the medicine because he felt bad that she had such a rough day.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Can...can we watch a movie in your room?"

Harry bit his smile at her indirect way of asking if she could sleep in his room for the night.

"I's getting pretty late..."

Lilly pouted and scooted closer to him on the couch, "But it's scary out Daddy..."

Harry smiled softly and pulled her gently into his lap, "I know, daddy was just playing. You can watch a movie and stay in his room, sound good?"

Lilly nodded quickly and jumped as lightning flashed and thunder booked loudly outside.

Harry had been about to get up when his phone started to vibrate excessively in his pocket.

He struggled to get it for a bit but managed to answer before it reached his voicemail, "Hello?"

"Hi! It's Skylar, sorry to call so late and randomly but I wanted to make sure Lilly was okay."

Harry smiled, "Yes, she's okay. She's got a broken fibula and a cast with some pain meds but other than that she's happy and healthy. Right Lilly?"

Lilly hummed, she was half asleep, her head in the crook of his neck as she cuddled up against him, "She hummed her agreement, the pain medicine makes her sleepy. How did you get my number?"

Skylar laughed nervously, "I uh...I tried your old one and hope that it worked. Good to know that you haven't changed that either though."

Harry laughed lightly in response, "Yeah, you know it's hard for me to remember new numbers sometimes. I'm glad you called though, I missed having my best friend to talk to, don't really have many friends these days because of work."

"Me too Harry, me too."

He stood up and carefully balanced his phone on his ear as he carried his sweet little girl upstairs, "Hey uh, would you happen to be free tomorrow night?"

Skylar thought about it for a moment, "Yes, why do you ask?"

Harry smiled softly as he set Lilly down on his bed and tucked her into the covers, "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over for dinner? To catch up and whatnot. Plus, Lilly really likes you."

She laughed, "Alright, yeah, I'll come over for dinner. Just text me the time and your address, I've got to finish a paper and go to bed because I am absolutely knackered."

"Aren't we all?"

Each of them laughed for quite a bit before Skylar responded, "Yeah, I guess we are. Goodnight Harry."

Harry smiled, "Goodnight Skylar."

He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to Lilly's forehead, "Goodnight my little angel."

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