I think this is the end

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So if you can see from the title, I've decided to discontinue this fic. I don't watch anime in general anymore and I don't have the motivation to write for something like this. I'm so sorry guys.

I know this fic didn't get very far and it is poorly written like I did not do a good job ANYWAYS I'm going to end it. This is the end, for me. But possibly not for the fic.

So, what I've decided to do is if anyone wants to continue this story, message me and tell me why you think you should continue and why you want to. I'll give more details to whoever gets to continue it if anyone wants to.

I'm not deleting this fic by the way.

I've had an alright run with "The Life of A Tortured Teenager" it's really special to me. I never expected it to get anywhere near this close of reads and votes so thank you guys so much, it honestly means the world.

So this is it, Love you all!

Thank you for everything.

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