Akari's P.O.V.
First period ended and I walked (crutched) my way to second period.
I was getting a lot of stares while trying to make my way over there and it wasn't exactly easy trying to make my way through the halls.
While I was trying to get through, a group of girls knocked one of the crutches out from under my arms.
"Haha, get out of the way next time! Loser!" one of them yelled.
It felt like I was falling slowly to the ground until I stopped. Half way.
I was... caught!
I looked up to see a familiar face. He smirked.
"T-Thanks." I told him.
I was shocked he saved me.
Law's P.O.V.
I was walking down the hall when I spotted Akari. Trying to make her way through the crowd with her crutches. This won't end well.
I started to walk faster so I could get closer to Akari. I kind of wanted to see if she could make it through it.
Bonney, Kalifa, Perona, and Baby 5 were all together walking down the halls as usual. The girls looked at Akari and started to whisper & giggle with eachother. All of the sudden, Kalifa kicked one of Akari's crutches out from under her arm.
"Haha, get out of the way next time! Loser!" Bonney yelled out as all the girls started to laugh while they walked away.
Akari started to fall. I ran over to her and caught her before she could hurt herself.
Why did I do that?
She fell gently into my arms. She looked at me with shock and relief. I looked at her and smirked.
"T-Thanks." She told me.
"No problem." I replied.
I picked her up and waited until the crowd started to die down a bit. Once it did, I set her down against the wall and picked up her crutches. I pulled her back up on her good foot and help put the crutches under her arms.
"Thanks again." she said.
"It's no big deal, don't worry about it." I told her.
We parted ways... in the hallway I mean. Lets just hope she doesn't fall again.
That Akari... she isn't that bad.
Not necessarily my type, but not that bad.
Akari's P.O.V.
That was really nice of Law. I was really surprised he did that though. It just didn't seem like he would help me.
He's actually pretty nice some of the time.
I got to my second period, which is Chemistry, and took my seat.
The bell rang and everyone took their seats.
Once the door to the classroom shut, all you could hear was loud footsteps rushing to the door.
The room was dead silent only to hear moments later banging on the door. A boy with fiery red hair staring threw from one side of the door.
"Oi! Let me in!" He yelled.
"Why should we!?" one of the kids yelled from the back.
"Alright," Mr. Shanks said.
He opened the door and the boy stumbled into the room.
"Kid, next time try to be on time," Mr. Shanks told him.
"Whatever," Kid retorted.
He walked over to an empty seat and sat down.
"Alright guys, I put everyone into groups of 4 and your group will have to come up with a substance. Whatever kind of substance that can do whatever you please. Not like I care," Mr. Shanks announced,"Group 1 will be Coby, Robin, Kalifa, and Marco. Group 2 will be Kid, Akari, Vivi, and Killer. Group 3 will be Sabo, Nami, Keimi, and Heat. Get in your groups and begin!"
We all got around a counter and pulled over some stools to sit around it.
"So... what are we going to do?" Killer asked.
We talked about it well more like Killer, Vivi, and I discussed it. Kid did nothing. He just kind of sat there looking bored out of his mind yet pissed at the same time.
I wanted to say something to him about the fact that he is not contributing to the assignment at all, I was just too scared to.
I looked at him. I studied his face. His face was pale and his eyes were dark as if they were telling a story. The story wasn't a nice one either.
He caught me staring at him and his eyes widened.
"What are you staring at!?" He called out.
"I-I..." I started scramble in my seat. My face was bright red.
Vivi picked up one of my crutches stabbed Kid's arm with it.
"Hey! Stop it!" She hollered at him.
"Why!?" He yelled back.
She looked at me and then looked back at him.
"Next time, don't call people out," She told him.
He looked at me this time.
"Fine," he said
After all that, Kid actually put a little bit of input into the assignment.
Once we made our substance and got graded on it, the bell rang and we all headed to our next periods.
"T-Thanks for sticking up for me today," I told Vivi.
"No problem! Girls got to stick up for eachother, right?" She replied, "You're pretty cool Akari!"
"Thanks," I said.
"Hey, there's this party tonight at Kohza's place! Everyone's going to be there! Want to come?" She asked me.
"Isn't it kind of weird to throw a party on a Monday?" I said.
"Tomorrow's Ditch Day! Don't worry about that though, so do you want to come?" She asked once again.
"Sure, why not!" I exclaimed.
"Alright, meet Nami and I after school in front of the school," Vivi said.
"Ok!" I replied.
I crutched my way to third period as we went separate ways.
Maybe I was wrong about today being bad.
It's been pretty good so far.
Vivi's P.O.V.
Akari's not that bad of a person. I just got to make sure she doesn't step out of line with anyone.
She could get hurt even worse if she did that.
Nami and I just got to make sure she's actually what we thought. She can become...
One of us.
I walked to third period with these thoughts on my mind.
Tonight's gonna be wild.
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating as fast as I usually do! A lot has been going on lately and I've had major writers block! I would like to thank _kitkatchan_ for making me this AMAZING COVER! It's absolutely fabulous and super nice of her to do so! Go check out her stuff and give her lots of love! Tell her I sent you! Love you guys and I hope you enjoy this overdue chapter!(≧∇≦)
~ Sabo_Wabo

The Life of a Tortured Teenager (One Piece Fanfic)
FanfictionWhen an Innocent girl gets taken to the crazy place called One Piece High, she just didn't know what to expect! Akari Mera is a normal teenage girl, well not so normal teenage girl who gets shipped off to One Piece High, a place where they send the...