Akari's P.O.V.
He pushed me down onto my back. He then kicked me across the room.
I shrieked in pain and started to cough up blood.
"I didn't mean it! It's not like I wanted for this to happen!" I yelled back holding my side.
He grabbed my hair and picked me up by it.
"Let's make sure this never happens again!" He shouted.
He threw me against the wall with all his might.
I hit the wall with full force.
"AAAAAHHHHHH!" I shrieked.
"Akari! What's wrong!?" Ace said worriedly.
Tears started to stream down my face once again.
"You can talk to me, don't worry," Ace reassured.
I dug my face into his shoulder and cried harder than I knew possible.
Ace was one of the only guys I ever knew who hasn't raised their voice at me or around me.
He was only caring and loving when it came to me. He acted as if I was normal and not some monster.He has always been there. From me being shy around strangers to this and it hasn't even been that long.
He doesn't know what I'm really like though. The terror I've caused. It haunts me.
"Ace," I sniffled.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course Akari, you can talk to me about anything,"
This is the hard part.
"Ace, remember when you asked me what I did to get put in One Piece Highschool?" I asked him nervously.
"Yeah, why?"
"I think I can trust you enough to tell you,"
My stomach was twisted into a knot and I felt like I was going to throw up.
"This is really hard for me to say and haven't spoken about it since it happened,"
"C'mon it can't be that bad,"
"I... kind of... destroyed my whole city and most of the people in it at the time,"
He stared at me with his jaw-dropped to the floor. You could tell he wasn't expecting something like that.
"And my parents were in the city at the time so they are dead too,"
His face became less shocked and more concerned.
"Oh, so you're parents are dead too huh?"
"Why are yours?"
"Well, yeah. I mean me and Luffy don't have the same parents,"
"WHAT!? Then how are you brothers!?"
"We shared a drink when we were kids and lived with Dadan,"
"Oh, you guys have known eachother for a long time,"
"Yeah, but how did you destroy a whole city?"
"Well, I have special powers. I don't know how I got them, but all I know is to never use them!"
"Well what are they?"
"I can control the elements. Water, Fire, Earth, and Air,"
"WOW THATS SO COOL!!" His eyes lit up with excitement.
Now I was shocked. No one has ever considered my powers cool before.
"But why did you wake up screaming?" He asked.
"I was dreaming about something that happened after I did that. Someone I thought I could trust betrayed and nearly killed me, i-it was ju-just terrible!" I cried out.
Ace pulled me back into his warm body and calmed me down once more.
"Ace *sniffle* what time is *sniffle* it?" I asked.
"Um... 11:41 P.M.," he replied.
"Don't we have school tomorrow?" I said.
"OH SHIT! I totally forgot about school!" He exclaimed, "but I can't leave you while you're in this state of emotion."
"Ace, I'm fi-"
"No, I can't leave you. Not just yet," Ace stated.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yeah just let me run home first, I kind of need to do something," Ace said.
"I won't be long so stay in the apartment," he told me.
He left and I was alone for the first time this weekend it feels like.
Weird, huh?
I decided it's no use just sitting in me bed for God knows how long so I did the only thing I could do.
I grabbed my crutches and tried to walk myself over to the couch.
When I got to it, I plopped myself down, threw my crutches onto the floor, and pulled a blanket over me as I lied down on the couch.
I grabbed my remote and turned on the TV.
Cool, Free! Eternal Summer is on.
It's ma show:)
I'll just try to relax until Ace comes back.
Ace's P.O.V.
I got into my car and drove home. I needed to make things right with Luffy. I can't just leave him like this, thinking that I'm now neglecting him.
When I got home, I ran up the stairs of the building and jammed my keys into the door. I slammed it open to see Luffy with his head in the fridge.
He whipped his head around to only be disappointed by the sight of his own brother.
"We'll look who decided to come home! It's been long enough, with you going out sleeping with girls! Forgot you had a brother, didn't you!?" He shouted out of frustration.
"That's not what happened at all!" I replied.
"What made you decide to just go over to Akari's apartment for the weekend and have sex with her non-stop!?" He yelled.
"THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED AT ALL!" I exclaimed. I explained to Luffy everything that happened from when she broke her foot to this exact moment.
"She cried when I left? Damnit, I feel bad now, I need to go see her,"
"Well, I'm actually heading back over there, do you want to come?"
"I guess so,"
"But, are we okay now?" I asked him.
"Yeah man," he said.
We bro-hugged and made up.
I missed my brother.
We got our things for school and locked up the apartment.
We then headed to Akari's.
Let's see how this goes!
Alright guys, hope you liked this chapter! I've been going through a lot lately, but when I lately, but when I write, it all goes away and I'm always happy to write this for you guys! Love you guys!
- Sabo_Wabo

The Life of a Tortured Teenager (One Piece Fanfic)
FanfictionWhen an Innocent girl gets taken to the crazy place called One Piece High, she just didn't know what to expect! Akari Mera is a normal teenage girl, well not so normal teenage girl who gets shipped off to One Piece High, a place where they send the...