Akari's P.O.V.
I was watching TV when all the sudden, I heard a knock on my door.
"It's me!" I heard Ace call from outside my front door.
"It's open!" I yelled back.
The door whipped open and slammed against the wall. The lights were out in the living room so I could only feel Ace wrap his arms around me from behind.
I looked up to see a smirk on his face. I smiled at the sight.
He then kissed my forehead. His lips were warm and soft.
Without warning, Luffy came out of nowhere and jumped onto the couch that I was still on.
"Hey Akari! Whatcha watching?" Luffy asked.
"Oh yeah, I brought Luffy along with me," Ace added.
"I can see that," I chuckled.
"Is that ok?" Ace asked.
"Of course," I said.
Before Luffy and Ace had come, I ate a bag of chips that had been on my coffee table for God knows how long. Needless to say, Luffy took care of the situation and finished them off.
We hung out for a little while longer, Luffy and Ace signed my cast, we watched TV, it was all good.
Until when it came to the point where we all wanted to just pass out.
Would Luffy be okay if Ace and I slept in the same bed again?
Before I could even ask, Ace did.
"I guess so, just don't do anything if you know what I mean."
Ace and I laughed. Luffy was so innocent and it was too cute.
Luffy crashed on the couch within seconds after he said that.
Ace helped me get my crutches and we went into my bedroom to sleep. I slept in Nike pros (I don't care if they are meant for physical activity, walking to my bed is the most I'm gonna get) and a bra while Ace slept in his underwear.
"I'm kind of worried about Luffy," I told Ace.
"I don't know, I just feel like things won't be the same,"
"Well I think a bigger question is, what are we?"
The question stabbed me right in the chest. I was unable to move. Completely frozen.
What were we?
"I-I don't know."
We thought about it for a little while and then Ace finally came up with something.
"I've got something." Ace said
"What?" I asked.
"If we want our relationship to become something more in the future, it can, but if we want to stay just friends, we can," Ace stated.
"Okay, I like that," I replied, "but..."
"But what?"
"What if I just want you to hold me and do things like that now, but tomorrow we are just friends? Is that what this all means?"
"If that's what you want, then okay."
"But I feel like I'm not bei-"
Ace pressed his lips against mine and pulled me into his warm body. I kissed him back and smiled.

The Life of a Tortured Teenager (One Piece Fanfic)
FanficWhen an Innocent girl gets taken to the crazy place called One Piece High, she just didn't know what to expect! Akari Mera is a normal teenage girl, well not so normal teenage girl who gets shipped off to One Piece High, a place where they send the...