Shadows Chapter 8

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I rushed through the door, only to find my mom sitting on the kitchen floor, surrounded by blood. Lots of it. As I started to walk towards her, my heart stopped. In front of my mom, bleeding with multiple lacerations across the stomach and throat. It was my dad. I screamed. Ran to my mom and we cried together for a long time. First Nyx's parents now my dad. Why?

My mom got up and threw up in the sink. I kept looking at my dad. It was horrible! His eyes were still open and, and then I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. That mother fucking shadow. I screamed in the direction of the living room window. After I was done screaming, there was a faint laughter. Then that shadow disappeared into the late afternoon.

I don't know why I was so upset. My dad was messed up, no doubt about that. When I was younger he used to drink until he couldn't stand. Once, he got home from the bar so drunk he didn't remember I was his daughter. He kept screaming at me, "Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" I told him I was his daughter and then it all went down. He beat me senseless. My mom wasn't home at the time, but everyday I think that she would have stopped it.

My dad broke two of my ribs, and bruised me black and blue. He never apologized for that night, either. Never one word came out of his mouth. I've hated my dad after that very day. But the abusing didn't stop there. My dad abused me and my mom for a good four years. My mom tried to put him in jail once, that didn't turn out so well. We had no money to file a case against him. Then why didn't we move away? I have never had the guts to ask my mom that, ever.

But now I have to plan a funeral for the man I hated and the man my mom loved.

Ah, hell.

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