Shadows Chapter 10

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"Omg! I'm so glad you came Johnny! The funeral will start in 15 minutes." I ran up and squeezed Johnny. We were having Nyx's parents and my dad's funeral on the same day.

"Hey Zo! Why are you so happy on a funeral day?" I laughed at him. It seemed like even though he was gay, he liked me. Anyways, Friday couldn't come soon enough. My mom made me take Thursday and Wednesday off. So, I didn't get to see Johnny. "I'm just glad I get to see you." I smiled at him. I was glad though, Nyx wasn't at school all week, but that was probably because she was now a teenage orphan. But, she was gonna be 18 in a few months, so it can't be that bad.

"Well, let's go get our seats taken."

"Fine." We sat next to Matt and this dude I've never seen before. He kinda looked like Matt in a younger way.

"Hey Zo, I'm sorry 'bout your dad." Matt got up and hugged me sweetly then took his seat next to Nyx.


"Thank you." I said sweetly to a lady, for saying sorry for my dad.

"Hey Zoey, come here." Matt motioned with his hand for me to come to him. Ugh.

"Zoey, this is Jack. Jack, this Zoey."

"Omg! It's so nice to meet you! Oh! I'm also really, very sorry 'bout your dad." Jack was shorter, sandy blonde hair, and bright brown eyes. He was cute. "Hey Jack. Um, Matt how do you know Jack? I've never seen him before." I gave Jack a sweet smile, then turned to Matt.

"Oh, yeah, Zoey this is my brother."


"Yeah, he's from outta town."

"Oh! Your brother, I remember now!" I really didn't. How did I not know about this?

"Zoey, I don't want to start out on the wrong foot, but I'm gay." From behind me I heard Johnny gasp. I hope it was with delight.

"Oh my gosh! Jack! I'm Johnny and i'm gay too!" Jack and Johnny jumped up and down and did twinkle fingers. Ah, gays! Then they went by a nearby tree and started talking.

"Zo, you don't mind to you?"

"Of course not Matt! I'm just a little shocked that he's gay." I responded.

"Yeah, it took me some time to get used to it too."

"Well, I'm gonna go find Nyx. I haven't talked to her all week it seems like."

"Be careful, she's gotten really sensitive."

"I will keep that in mind."

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