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September 28, 2013

I woke up looked at 6:00am.
I got Amelia ready then I got ready.I made Amelia breakfast then I drove her to the daycare then I went to the university for my classes.

I got out at 2:00pm then I went to get Amelia then we went to the park.she played for a minute then we went home.

Me:are you tired?
Amelia:mommy I'm not tired
Me:ok let me wash you up.

I wash Amelia.then we watched TV.Then Aubrey called me.

Aubrey:how are you today ?
Me:good I'm so tired .

Amelia:Mami me puede dar algo de beber?
Me: ¿me permite ir.

I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink.

Me:I'm sorry so how was your day?
Aubrey:good In Toronto doing my signing tomorrow.
Me:that's cool.
Aubrey:can I talk to Amelia .
Me:Amelia someone want to talk to you?




Drake:hi Amelia how are you?


She handed the phone to me.

Aubrey:she's so adorable .
Aubrey:so I got the forth of October off can you and Amelia come to Toronto.
Aubrey:I felt like I known you for years.
Me:everyone says that .I guess I'm a chilled person.

Aubrey:that's what it seem like from talking to you on the phone.

Amelia:mommy I'm sleepy.
Me:ok baby

Me:um Aubrey I have to put Amelia to bed.can I call you back.
Aubrey:ok good night .
Me:I'll call you back.

I tuck Amelia into her bed.we said our prayers.Then I kissed her gently on her forehead.

I called Aubrey back.

Me:hey what were we talking about?
Aubrey:how good of a person you are?
Me:I'm a cool person to be around do I sounding conceded ?
Aubrey:no not at all.
Me:so your tour is in October how is the planning going?
Aubrey:good actually.
Me:thats good...I'm scared.
Me:every blue moon.I have these crazy thoughts that Amelia dad escaping.
Aubrey:listen I don't know your story but he won't get to you.
Me:thanks....where are we friends right.
Me:I think Im going move again.when I'm finish with college .I outgrew NYC .some where I can feel free.
Aubrey:I feel ya.

We talked for two hours.about stories.then I fell asleep.

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