|| Chapter One ||

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"Why don't you join the debate club?" Lucy asks me and I shake my head.
"You know I am a small, quiet potato child. I would suck at debating."I protest.
"Just take a chance, (Y/N)!" She cheers me on but I roll my eyes and hold my books to my chest.
"Why do I even have to join a club?" I groan. She too groans at my stubbornness.
"Aren't you SICK of being bullied and alone? It is your second first year of high school, at least attempt to make some friends other then me, your lovely cousin." She says and her blonde locks bounce up and down playfully. Sighing, I cave in.
"Fine, pick a club and I'll join." I tell her and she squeals before running around looking at the different range of clubs. I've never really been a 'people' person. Lucy is the only one who can stand being around me. Everyone finds me too shy and awkward. Never had a boyfriend either. Unless you count that time in second grade when that kid kissed my hand. I shudder at the thought. Freaking creep.
Suddenly, I see Lucy running back with a flier.
"I found the perfect one!" She squeals and I roll my eyes for the second time in the past five minutes. I almost puke when I see the flier. Fluttering in her hand was the flier for a singing club. Shit.
"Oh hell no." I object but she still grins maliciously.
"You promised! Plus, you're a really good singer." She says and taps my nose causing me to go cross eyed. I really hate her sometimes.
"You. Are. Evil." I state and snatch the flier from her hand. Wait a sec, this club was everyday but Fridays! What the actually hell?! I hate this stupid ass school; the only reason I go here is because Lucy does. Her and I live together and we have ever since my mom died when I was eight. Her's died too, in the same crash. My dad committed suicide when he found out. Even worse, right in front of my face. To this day, I still take counselling for it and take anti-depressants. The worst part is the dreams. Every night I wake up screaming at him not to do it and I wake up as soon as the bullet blasts through his skull. Shaking off the thought, I decide to go find somewhere to study.
Mr. Heartfillia paid for her tuition, despite him living in a different town to us, but I had to get a scholarship. It wasn't THAT hard but I did have to study. Sighing, I shut my eyes for a moment and, just showing my amazing luck, I run into someone.
"S...Sorry." I stutter out and look up to see a boy with dark black hair and onyx eyes. He looked almost cold, as if he could control ice.
"Watch where you're going next time." He snaps. Glaring angrily up at him, I decide to get my sass on.
"Calm down. Take a deep breath and then hold it for about twenty minutes." I smile and he just turns to me and glares before walking away. Mentally, I high five myself and continue on my quest to find a quiet place to study.


My quest seemed easy enough but then- the fire nation attacked. Just kidding, I found a place to study and before I knew it school had ended and I had to make my way to the stupid ass singing club. I bet it is just going to be a bunch of nerdy kids who can't sing sitting in a room as another plays the piano. Oh Lucy, why do you torture my poor, poor soul. I follow the directions on the flier and find me in a music room with a sign that says "music room 3" Shrugging, I open the door to find something i didn't think I would. A group of kids, who looked like typical 'cool kids' and a girl playing guitar along with a boy rocking out on the piano. One kid turned to me and gasped.
"Look! A new comer has graced us with her presence!" He announces my entrance over dramatically. I give a small wave and scan the room properly. I almost snap. The freaking boy from before was sitting down, smirking at me. Grunting, I roll my eyes and sit down in the only spare seat - next to him.
"So we meet again," he smirks and I just continue looking down, pulling out my song book. If I was at singing club I should at least do music shiz.
"Don't talk to me," I bluntly say and could mentally feel him roll his eyes.
"I know you secretly love me," he says snarkily. I turn my head to face him and stare at him with piercing eyes.
"Where'd you get those clothes? The dumpster?" I snap back at him and he smirks yet again. I just turn back to my song book and start to write in it again. A shadow looms over my shoulder, signalling that he was reading over my shoulder.
"Wow, you are actually not shit," he 'compliments' me. "But you should change the note there. It would flow better," he says and I look up at him before rubbing out my previous work and pencilling in the corrects.
"Thanks I guess," I mumble and he laughs.
"Let me hear it," he commands but I shake my head.
"No, I can't sing," I protest but he continues to pester me.
"I don't care, let me hear it," he says again and I sigh in defeat. It wouldn't kill me would it. I stand up.
"Follow me, I'll show you in another room. I don't need these people to hear. You hearing it is hell enough," i explain and I lead him to the music room a few doors down. Sitting down, I open the cover on the piano. I place the music on the music stand thingy and start to play and sing.

"I can hold my breath
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days
If that's what you want
Be your number one" I sing and the world seems to fade away as if it were a Fairy Tail.

"I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am" I wrote this song when I was upset after me and Lucy got into a fight. It shows my emotions, pure and raw.

"I can do it
I can do it
I can do it
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart
'Cause I'm only human" I finish and take a deep breathe before closing the piano and turn to Gray. He looks shocked.
"That was amazing. What's your name?" He splutters out and I frown but quickly replace it with a smirk.
"(Y/N), It isn't finished yet, I'll play it too you again once it's done." I tell him and he smiles.
"Does that mean we'll be hanging again? Also, I'm Gray, Gray Fullbuster." He asks me and I shrug.
"I'm not making any promises. Now lets go. I'm hungry. You are welcome to buy me the food though. Since I, ya know, let you hear me sing." I say, dropping oh so obvious hints. Rolling his eyes, he helps me off the seat.
"Sure thing, princess." He says sarcastically and I glare at him.
"I'm NOT a princess." I point out and he chuckles.
"Sure you aren't. Now c'mon before the others realized we left." He tells me and I fist pump the air. Free burrito here I come!

Music = Love (Gray Fullbuster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now