ll Chapter Eight ll

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Okay, so I know this is wayyyyy shorter than my usual chapters but I have soooo much homework since I start school again tomorrow and I really wanted to put something out. I'll try to update again tomorrow! (I live in England so It's like 8pm here) Also, I realized you can't sent images over here so instead sen them to my email: ravengray16(at sign here)gmail.com Sorry about the inconvenience and enjoy the story! :]


I hate school. Like I will never need half of this information. For example, how many wives some fat english ruler had like please. I do not care. Luckily, the day didn't drone on too long and I was soon running sonic fast out of the school doors. But then cruel fate seemed to it me in the back of the head.

"Miss (Y/L/N)!" I hear someone call out and I spin around on my heels too see my homeroom teacher running towards me.

"Yes?" I say questioningly when she finally reaches me.

"We forgot to nominate a student council member for the girls. I've already chosen someone for boys." Miss tells me and I sigh.

"I guess I can do that." I annoyingly say and her face lights up.

"Okay! There's a trip for all council members Tomorrow until Saturday, bring the letter in tomorrow so you can go." She explains before handing me a letter and running off. That means I'll have to miss work, how greaaaat! Not. How am I gonna pay this months rent?!

"(Y/N), hey. Sorry I'm late. I got held up." Gray says, walking up to me. We then start to walk out of the school grounds.

"Don't sweat it. I got stopped anyway." I tell him and wave the letter in the air. He smirks and rumages through his bag until showing me the same letter. My eyes widen in shock. "Miss made you do it too?" I ask and he nods.

"At least I'm not stuck with someone I hate." He shrugs and puts it back in his bag. I grin to myself. At least this stupid trip has SOMETHING for me in it.

"Anyway, so Lucy eh?" I nudge him. I wink at him also. Wink wonk.

"I don't like Lucy.." Gray chuckles and I roll my eyes. I can feel the lies tingle on my skin.

"Yeah and I don't like pizza." I sarcastically say. "I know you do so admit it. I mean what isn't there to like about her."

"She isn't you." I almost here him mutter. Of course he didn't.

"Eh?" I grunt and he laughs. He sure does laugh a lot. Athough, this seemed as if he was covering something up.

"Nothing." He shrugs and I puff my cheeks out like a pufferfish when you poke it with a stick. Cause it you poked it you'd like die. I think. What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Lucy.

"C'mon, she's pretty, kind and super funny in her own way! Also, you did ask who she liked. Thus I conclude you do in fact like Miss Heartfillia!" I explain and He laughs again. Why is he always freaking laughing?!

"Yeah but we don't really talk. By the way, you look really good today." He compliments me. I feel heat rise to my cheeks. "But it isn't you. I like you better when you do what you want." He says and frowns.

"Yeah, this make up feel like I literally have weighs taped to my face." I joke and he smiles at me. Before I knew it, we had arrived at my house and we had to separate.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Gray smiles and I give him a thubs up before running inside. Wait a diddle do! He never told emm if he actually like Lucy. Darnit!

Luckily, the bakery said I deserved some time off an dthat they'd pay me the rest of the week. At least I can pay the rent now. The next day finally arrived when I realised: I haven't gotten Lucy to sign the letter. You see, Mr Heartfillia is my legal guardian until I turn eighteen so he has to sign all parental sheets. However, Lucy was able to learn to do a perfect copy of his signature so we don't have to call him to sign stuff.

"Hey Luuuuucy." I sing while I walk over to her sitting at the dining table.

"What do you wnhat?" She smirks and I frown.

"You're no fun! But I need you to sign this for me." I tell her and she reads through it.

"You're actually going? Wow, miss 'I never leave my laptop'." She laughs and I shove her before she hands me back the paper.

"Thaaaank youu~" I sing again and run back to my room to grab my small suitcase. I only had what I needed.

There was only about fourty of us going. Two from each class. Me and Gray from class-a and then two going down to class-r.

"You excited?" Gray asks me and I shrug.

"Excited as I'll ever be." I sigh and he rolls his eyes playfully. I scan the room and spot someone I actually know. I start to mouth words to her.

Me: Juvia?

J: Hey, Juvia is jealous you got Gray.

Me: I didn't know you were student council.

J: I told you at lunch yesterday.

I look at my feet. I guess I forgot. At least there is someone I know here. I mean other than Gray.. Maybe this won't be so bad afterall.

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