ll Chapter 12 ll

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Twice in one day woo hoo!!!!


6:00 pm:

"So, you ready to get dressed up for your date?" Lucy snickers at me and I give her a playful glare.

"It isn't for another what, two hours?" I point out and she, kid you not, gives me the miost horrified face I have ever seen.

"Yeah! ONLY two hours!!" She screams and starts to push the wheely chair I was sat in into her room. She shuts the door and locks it.

6:30 pm:

I feel drained already. The amount of clothes I've been forced to try on is completly absurd. How can someone even own that many outfits?

7:00 pm:

Corsets are actually still a thing?!

8:00 pm:

I look at yself in the mirror. At least she didn't put loads of make up on me and I'm only wearing a skirt which still sucks but like could be worse. My hair is just down and brushed as well. I sigh.

A few minutes pass and I hear a knock on the door. This is it. My first date ever. I take a deep breath before opening the door. my face blushes furiously as Gray stares at me.

"I know I look ridiculous." I laugh and he shakes his head.

"No you look great," He smiles before grabbing my hand as I step out the house. I feel a strange feeling in my stomach. His hand is so cold. I guess his nickname is true.

"So what're we doing?" I ponder and he smiles.

"You know when we get there," He teases and I stick my tounge out at him. I look at our hands when I hear someones voice.

"Look at that guy. He's so hot!" A girls voice says.

"But he's with a girl." Another one responds.

"That couldn't be anyone, he's way out of her leauge." The first voice pipes again and I naturally respond my gripping Gray's hand tighter.

"You OK?" Gray asks and I look up to him with a smile.

"Yeah it's nothing," I laugh and we just start talking about anything and everything. He eventually takes me to a place I hadn't been before. We walk through an arch and my eyes widen and the view. It was a beautiful flowergarden with a marble fountain in the middle.

"This is amazing!" I say in awe and let go of his hand, running over to a group of flowers. Gray walks over to me and picks one. He gently places it behind my ear.

"T..Thanks" I stutter, my face flushing. He laughs at my redness and I puff my cheeks out before playfully hitting him on the arm.

"So, Miss (L/N). I realized you never really told me about your family." He points out and I feel my heart ache. He didn't need to know the truth just yet.

"O..Oh yeah I guess not." I say, avoiding his point. However, he continues to ask.

"Why don't you live with your parents?" He asks me. I swallow.

"They umm are somewhere out of reach at the moment." I half lie.

"Oh. I'm sure you'll see them soon," He smiles. I strongly doubt that. before he can ask any more questions I change the subject from me to him.

"What about you?" I question him.

"I never knew my parents so I live with my sister and aunt." He says without any care I guess it doesn't really effect him How lucky. We end up going off the subject of family and end up talking for what feels like forever. In a good way.

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