ll Chapter 14 ll

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(This was originally gonna be a fluff chapter but you guys are gonna kill me after you've read it > ~ < )

I wake up with light shining on my face. I take a glance at the wall clock. Nine o'clock. That god it's Saturday. Stretching mt arms out I see that Gray was missing. I adjust myself and finally hear mumbling coming from the other room. I lug myself towards the sound and peer around the door frame to hear Gray speaking. I shouldn'-

"Of course! You're the only one I love," He says out loud and I stop in my tracks. He's probably just talking to his si-

"You're my girlfriend so just listen to me!" He yells and I feel my heart drop. Girlfriend? He didn't just say that? He couldn't have. But he did. I just stare at his, tears forming in my eyes.

"G..Gray?" I stutter out and he turns to look at me with wide eyes.

"(Y/N)... I can.. I can explain!" He stutters out, hanging up the phone. I shake my head. I feel the tears start to drip down my face like rain as I just stare at him.

"Why?" I croak out before grabbing stuff and shoes before running out.

I run and run and run until I find myself at a door. I knock loudly on it and a worried face opens.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Natsu hurriedly asks, ushering me in.

"G...Gr..Gr" I can't finish and just burst into tears, burying my face into Natsu's chest. I feel him stroke my hair as I soak his shirt with my salty sadness.

"Shh it's gonna be OK," He mutters and I look away, calming my tears.

"G..Gray I t...think he's got an...another girlfriend." I force out and a look of anger crosses Natsu's face.

"What the hell?! How could that Ice boy do that? I'm all fired up and ready to fight." He yells before jumping up. I grab his sleeve before he can leave.

"Natsu don't. Just... please don't leave me alone or I might do something I regret again." I say and he sit back down with a sigh.

"You don't have to protect him," Natsu reminds me but i just shake my head.

"I still don't know if he really is cheating on me it's just ... likely that he did." I whisper the last part as fresh tears attempt to form in my eyes. Natsu pulls me into another quick hug before pulling at the corners of my mouth, forcing it into a smile. This makes me let out a soft laugh. I'm so glad I came here. Suddenly, I feel a vibrate of my phone. I look at the sender. Gray.

"It's from him," I tell Natsu and I can feel Natsu's fiery glare in an instant. I give him a small smile as if to assure him that I can handle it for the time being. I open his text message and take a deep breath before reading it:


I know that this looks bad but I can explain. I just want to do it in person. Please just hear me out.

I think for a moment.




Meet me at 1, I promise that I haven't done anything behind your back.


I hope that's true.

I send the message and decide to completely turn off my phone, blocking his contact from me. Natsu gives me a sympathetic look but I just decide that its easier if I pretend that this never happened for the time being and give him a big grin.

"Let's make cupcakes, Natsu."

"Hell yeah!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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