ll Chapter Four ll

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(This chapter gets kinda sad and and yeah)


A long, annoyed groan escapes my mouth as blurred colors flood my field of sight. I hate mornings. Wiping the crust from my eyes, I groggily swing my legs over the bed. I could hear the distant sound of humming which I quickly identified as Lucy due to the fact that she, completely opposite to me loved mornings. But like how? Morning are like the worst part of the day. But that might be because I stay up till about at least 3 am every night reading fanfictions of my favorite ships and x readers. I wish I was in a fanfiction. Insert cool sigh here.

Standing up I walk towards my small, beaten up dresser. Unlike Lucy's room, mine was almost falling apart. Despite Lucy's father being very kind to me he refused to pay for the home we live in (at least my part) as well as my clothes. Lucy, however, got everything paid for her. That's why I work every Tuesday till Saturday at a small bakery at 5 till 7. I don't mind to much though, the ladies there are super sweet to me and I even get to take some treats home with me on the occasion. Luckily, music club is at lunch break so I get time still to come home and get dressed. Well, as long as Gray doesn't continue with these little detours. Gray. Why am I thinking of him? Shrugging it off, I put on my uniform. It was like the ones in animes but real. I don't look very good in it though. I have chubby arms that you can see despite the fact I wear a long black sleeved shirt underneath. It is big on me that makes me look very large and proportion. But Lucy looks great in it. I wish I looked like her. She's basically perfect. Nothing like me at all. She'd be better off without me. I get cut out of my bad thoughts by the vibrate of my phone. A text from Gray. Probably saying he hates me.

Text: Gray

Hey :) I'm outside so please let me in!

WHAT!!?!?!? Why the fuckerdoodle is he outside my house!!! I look down at my outfit. School uniform, fine. Hair. Ah shit. It looks like a raccoon's nest!!! I have no time to fix it! I run quickly out my room and to the front door. Leaning against the wall was Gray Fullbuster.

"Woah, your hair!" He smiles. I send him a glare and he chuckles.

"It looks cute. Hey Luce!" He says, waving at Lucy. She smiles.

"Hey Gray. Want something to eat?" She offers him. He smiles with a nod. However, I am still in a trance. He called me cute. He's lying. The voice in my head laughs and I hit myself.

"Yeah I would, you OK (Y/N)? " He asks me and I just smile with an awkward laugh. I just back away slowly into my room and, attempt, to fix my hair.

After about five minutes of ripping the knots from my hair I step out to see Lucy's flushed face laughing with Gray. He prefers her.

"Shut up." I mutter to myself. I've run out of my pills and I don't get any for the next two weeks. There was a mix up and I didn't get the right amount. I can deal with it though, I hope.

"What did you say?" Lucy asks. She doesn't know about my problems. I don't want to worry her. She wouldn't worry cause you're a freak.

"Nothing." I laugh and I look at the watch on my wrist. Oh shizzle.

"We should probably get going" I say and they slowly stand up.

You should eat som-" Lucy starts but I cut her off.

"No I'm fine Lucy don't worry. I'm gonna run ahead. I have some stuff I need to uhh do at school yeah." I smile and slip on my shoes. "See ya later." I smile and run outta the house.

It isn't like I didn't want to walk with them but I couldn't stand watching them flirt. I liked Gray. I know. But it isn't love. Just a small school girl crush. Nothing i can't suppress until I eventually explode and confess to him which will inevitably lead to an argument and us hating each other. But eh. Who cares? I ended up getting there five minuted early. Suddenly a voice chirps in my ear.

Music = Love (Gray Fullbuster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now