Freeing the Captain

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Milah and Will walk down the steps down to Jack's cell in Port Royal's prison. "You can't possibly be doing what I think your doing?" Milah demands staring at her friend incredulously at his plan. It was stupid, foolish and idiotic. Making deals with a pirate, she feared Will had lost a few brain cells after being hit over the head last night.

"I think you already know the answer to that," Will answers calmly before looking at Sparrow who was lying down on the straw covered ground of his cell. "You, Sparrow," he calls slightly out of breath as his hands rest on his hips.

"Hey?" Jack's head looks up to see him. For a brief moment, the captain looks surprised before his expression clears.

"You're familiar with that ship? The Black Pearl?"

Jack settles back against the stray strands of hay on the cold, cement floor, "I've heard of it."

"Where does it make berth?"

"Where does it make berth?" Jack repeats, his head flying up again. "Surely you've heard the stories?" Will remains silent and the pirate sighs relaxing back. "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sails from the dreaded Isla de Mureta... an island that cannot be found except by those who already know where it is."

"The ship's real enough. So its anchorage must be a real place. Where is it?"

"Why ask me?"

"Because you're a pirate."

"And you want to turn pirate yourself?"

"Never!" Will practically shouts with distaste, slamming a hand against the bars; Milah jumps at the sudden outburst and frowns over at him. Will looks down but after a beat he continues, "They took Miss Swann."

Jack grins at the explanation, leaning upwards, "So it is that you found a girl." He frowns slightly as a thought crosses his mind, "Wait a minute I thought she was your girl?" He points to Milah.

"No, we're just friends," Will corrects almost immediately and Milah frowns over at him. Did the thought of them being something more really disgust him so much that he had to outright deny it without a moments breath?

"I see," Jack mutters after a long pause glancing at both Milah and Will before saying, "well, if you're intending to brave all and hasten to her rescue and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone. I see no profit in it for me."

Will slams his fist against the bars in frustration and both Jack  and Milah are surprised at the outburst. Milah stares at him with furrowed eyebrows. Will had always been such a well mannered man with more patience then most. It must just be because it is Elizabeth, she figures in silent bitterness. She couldn't help but wonder if he would react the same way if it was her in danger.

"I can get you out of here," Will suddenly bargains.

"How? The key's run off," Jack remarks and Milah frowns in confusion. How could a key possibly run off?

Will examines the cell carefully, "I helped build these cells. These are half pin barrel hinges," he pulls away from the cell and picks up a wooden seat from the floor. "With the right leverage and the proper application of strength, the door'll lift free," he places the bench against the cells ready to lift it up.

"It's rather stupid isn't it?" Milah remarks, thinking how easy it was to open something that was supposed to hold prisoners.

"What's your name?" Jack suddenly questions the boy with a puzzled look.

"Will Turner."

Jack grins, "That'd be short for William I imagine. Good strong name, no doubt named for your father aye?"

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