Tricked and Exposed

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Milah hurries up to the deck of the Black Pearl just in time to see Jack swinging on one of the ropes back and forth between the two ships. She spots a pirate about to go aboard the same way and grins. Milah runs over and taps him on the shoulder. He turns around, "Hi." She throws a solid punch to his face, knocking him overboard. Milah manages to grasp his sword just in time. "Thanks!" She calls before cutting the rope and swinging over to the Interceptor.

As Milah flies over, she spots one of the pirates trying to sneak up on Anamaria in her path. With a grin as she swings, she kicks him in the back and he falls over, sprawling down to the main deck. She lets go of the rope and lands next to the fighting Anamaria on the Interceptor. The other woman looks over at her in disbelief. "Blast girl! We thought you were dead!" She yells as she ducks under a pirate's swing of his blade.

"Not quite yet!" Milah yells as she raises her sword to block another pirate's attack. She begins fighting back with vigor, side by side with Anamaria.

The two girls land several deadly blows but none of them cause the pirates to falter. They stop, standing back to back as they face their attacker each. "How do we stop them? They can't die!" Anamaria asks as she blocks an attack. Milah looks around wildly before grinning as a thought strikes her.

"Get them to the center as much as you can!" she yells to the other woman, handing Anamaria her sword. The pirate nods with a confused expression but still begins to fight off the two pirates with the double blades in her hands.

Milah quickly moves towards the wheel, dodging a flying cannonball as she does. She stands by the wheel and waits for Anamaria to get them to right spot.

When the pirates are metaphorically standing on the cross, she shouts, "Ana, duck!"

The pirate does so without questioning and Milah quickly pulls the crank that sends the boom swinging to the side. It knocks them right off their feet and they go flying over the edge and due to their surprise they crash right into the ocean with loud cries of alarm.

Milah smiles and Anamaria comes over to her, throwing her back her sword. "How did you think of that?" the pirate questions and she smiles.

"Jack," she replies and the other woman nods, easily accepting the response.

The victory was short lived as more pirates swarm up onto the deck and the girls are thrown back into fighting. Milah manages to toss another pirate overboard when she hears a loud scream. She looks around and catches sight of Elizabeth being pulled away from a grate.

A thought strikes Milah then and her eyes wide with worry. "Ana? Where's Will?" Milah calls as she ducks under another blade and attacks with her own sword.

"He was below deck last I saw him," Anamaria calls back, her own sword clashing against her attackers with ferocity.

Milah's eyes widen in horror as she looks back at the grate. She immediately sets off in a run, dodging pirates, bullets and everything else to make it to the grate. "Will!" Milah shouts as she comes to kneel down by the grate, seeing his fingers grasping through the holes. She could hear the sound of rushing water and knew that the bottom deck was filing up quickly.

"Milah?!" He yells in shock at hearing her voice.

"I'm going to get you out of there!" she tells him and immediately hurries to move the beam that was blocking the grate.

"Milah, I'm sorry about--"

"Now is not the time Will!" She interrupts as she continues to try to lift it.

However the next thing she knows, she's being pulled roughly backwards, hands gripping hold of her arms tight. Without thinking Milah throws her head back, head-butting the pirate and breaks his hold on her. She turns around, slicing his head off with her sword.

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